Sorting a set works, sorting a dictionary fails ?
Ulrich Eckhardt
ulrich.eckhardt at
Mon Jun 10 05:19:55 EDT 2013
Am 10.06.2013 10:04, schrieb Νικόλαος Κούρας:
> months = { 'Ιανουάριος':1, 'Φεβρουάριος':2, 'Μάρτιος':3, 'Απρίλιος':4, 'Μάϊος':5, 'Ιούνιος':6, \
> 'Ιούλιος':7, 'Αύγουστος':8, 'Σεπτέμβριος':9, 'Οκτώβριος':10, 'Νοέμβριος':11, 'Δεκέμβριος':12 }
> for key in sorted( months.keys() ):
> ================
> I'm having trouble ordering a dictionary though.
I can't find a problem here. I tried simple dictionaries containing
numbers as keys using Python 3.3, and sorting the keys works without any
problem there. What exactly is the "trouble" you are having? Be a bit
more precise and describe what you saw and, just in case, also what you
expected to see.
BTW: You have a line continuation there using a backslash. This isn't
necessary, since the pair of {} automatically tell Python the target range.
Good luck!
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