Encoding questions (continuation)
Νικόλαος Κούρας
nikos.gr33k at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 07:13:00 EDT 2013
Τη Δευτέρα, 10 Ιουνίου 2013 1:42:25 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης Andreas
Perstinger έγραψε:
> >>> s = b'\xce\xb1'
> >>> s[0]
> 206
's' is a byte object, how can you treat it as a string asking to present
you its first character?
> >>> s[1]
> 177
's' is a byte object, how can you treat it as a string asking to present
you its first character?
> A byte object is a sequence of bytes (= integer values) and support
A sequeence of bystes is a a sequence of bits which is zeros and one's
not integers.
> Because your method doesn't work.
> If you use all possible 256 bit-combinations to represent a valid
> character, how do you decide where to stop in a sequence of bytes?
How you mean? please provice an example so i can understand this.
> > EBCDIC and ASCII and Unicode are charactet sets, correct?
> > iso-8859-1, iso-8859-7, utf-8, utf-16, utf-32 and so on are
encoding methods, right?
> Look at http://www.unicode.org/glossary/ for an explanation of all
the terms
I did but docs confuse me even more. Can you pleas ebut it simple.
Unicode as i udnerstand it was created out of need for a big character
set that could be able to hold all worlds symboles, whiel ascii could
only store first 127 and extended 246.
ascii and unicode are character sets.
everything else sees to be an encoding system that work upne the
characters set(never deen them though act on the scii charset)
but iso-8859-7 is both a charset and an encoding system?
ps. i tried to post a reply to the thread i opend via thunderbird mail
client, but not as a reply to somne other reply but as new mail send to
python list.
because of that a new thread will be opened.
How can i tell thunderbird to reply to the original thread and not start
a new one?
Sorry for that but i can' even post via google groups any more. it says
that an error occured.
Sorry for this. please xplain hpw to reply properly to correct hread via
thank you.
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