Popen and reading stdout in windows
Pete Forman
petef4+usenet at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 03:18:27 EDT 2013
"Joseph L. Casale" <jcasale at activenetwerx.com> writes:
>> You leave out an awful amount of detail. I have no idea what ST is,
>> so I'll have to guess your real problem.
> Ugh, sorry guys its been one of those days, the post was rather
> useless...
> I am using Popen to run the exe with communicate() and I have sent
> stdout to PIPE without luck. Just not sure what is the proper way to
> iterate over the stdout as it eventually makes its way from the
> buffer.
You could try Sarge which is a wrapper for subprocess providing command
pipeline functionality.
Pete Forman
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