A certainl part of an if() structure never gets executed.
Mark Lawrence
breamoreboy at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jun 11 18:14:08 EDT 2013
On 11/06/2013 21:20, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:
> [code]
> if not re.search( '=', name ) and not re.search( '=', month ) and not re.search( '=', year ):
> cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE clientsID = (SELECT id FROM clients WHERE name = %s) and MONTH(lastvisit) = %s and YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', (name, month, year) )
> elif not re.search( '=', month ) and not re.search( '=', year ):
> cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE MONTH(lastvisit) = %s and YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', (month, year) )
> elif not re.search( '=', year ):
> cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM works WHERE YEAR(lastvisit) = %s ORDER BY lastvisit ASC''', year )
> else:
> print('''<h2>Πώς να γίνει αναζήτηση αφού δεν επέλεξες ούτε πελάτη ούτε μήνα ή τουλάχιστον το έτος?''')
> print( '''<meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content="5;/cgi-bin/pelatologio.py">''' )
> sys.exit(0)
> data = cur.fetchall()
> hits = money = 0
> for row in data:
> hits += 1
> money = money + row[2]
> ......
> ......
> selects based on either name, month, year or all of them
> [/code]
> The above if structure works correctly *only* if the user sumbits by form:
> name, month, year
> or
> month, year
> If, he just enter a year in the form and sumbit then, i get no error, but no results displayed back.
> Any ideas as to why this might happen?
On the grounds that you can't possibly have made a coding error I'd say
this is a Python bug which should be reported here bugs.python.org.
"Steve is going for the pink ball - and for those of you who are
watching in black and white, the pink is next to the green." Snooker
commentator 'Whispering' Ted Lowe.
Mark Lawrence
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