June 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Jun 1 00:39:54 EDT 2013
Ending: Sun Jun 30 22:11:55 EDT 2013
Messages: 2839
- Create a file in /etc/ as a non-root user
- Apache and suexec issue that wont let me run my python script
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- netcdF4 variables
Andreas Perstinger
- Short-circuit Logic
Carlos Nepomuceno
- How to Begin Web Development with Python ?
Giorgos Tzampanakis
- Python toplevel in a Web page
Giorgos Tzampanakis
- problem loading Python PIL module
Elliot Perlman
- Changing filenames from Greeklish => Greek (subprocess complain)
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- Cutting a deck of cards
Joshua Landau
- Can anyone please help me in understanding the following python code
- Future standard GUI library
Wolfgang Keller
- Need to modify a Python Gui
matt.doolittle33 at gmail.com
- xsd:anyType parameter in suds!
Tamer Higazi
- Free Money
- Getting Error can't find '__main__' module in 'X'
- Python 2-3 compatibility
Jason Swails
- PyWart: The problem with "print"
Rick Johnson
- Arp cache poisoning using scapy
bakbakinfo123 at gmail.com
- Output from to_bytes
Mok-Kong Shen
- How to get an integer from a sequence of bytes
Mok-Kong Shen
- Python #ifdef
Erik Max Francis
- Issue converting to string to integer.
- Please help with Threading
Jurgens de Bruin
- Interactive interpreter hooks
Steven D'Aprano
- Extract UTFGrid from MBTiles database
Carmen Campos Bordons
- [Python-Dev] New FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT buildbot
Carlos Nepomuceno
- Pillow lib for x86_64 GNU/Linux
consultski at gmail.com
- Too many python installations. Should i remove them all and install the latest?
Ian Kelly
- [RELEASED] Python 2.7.5
John Nagle
- Source code as text/plain
Carlos Nepomuceno
- AES 128 bits
usman mjoda
- Beginner question
eschneider92 at comcast.net
- files.py failing when run via browser while properly executed via terminal
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- ANN: Version 0.1.1 of sarge (a subprocess wrapper library) has been released.
Vinay Sajip
- lstrip problem - beginner question
- create new python file
kakararunachalservice at gmail.com
- Problems with serial port interface
lionelgreenstreet at gmail.com
- How to increment date by week?
- Do you consider Python a 4GL? Why (not)?
Carlos Nepomuceno
- Multiple Python one-liners
- Issue values dictionary
claire morandin
- Pywart: The problem with "Rick Johnson"
Mike Hansen
- ANN: A new version (0.3.4) of the Python module which wraps GnuPG has been released.
Vinay Sajip
- Source code to identify user through browser?
- I just wrote my first Python program a guessing game and it exits with an error I get this.
Armando Montes De Oca
- how to detect the character encoding in a web page ?
- Announcement: MICCAI workshop on Bio- Imaging and Visualization for Patient-Customized Simulations 2013
tavares at fe.up.pt
- Errin when executing a cgi script that sets a cookie in the browser
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- python netcdf
Sudheer Joseph
- Speeding up Python
Steven D'Aprano
- "The system cannot find the path specified[...]" wxPython strange bug
m2cl3k at gmail.com
- How to store a variable when a script is executing for next time execution?
Avnesh Shakya
- Mistakes in documentation
Paul Volkov
- Thread-safe way to prevent decorator from being nested
- [JOB] Look for a Full Time Plone Developer
Patrick Waldo
- Python Community Training Events
Calloway, Chris
- trigger at TDM/2 only
- Contents of python magazine
DRJ Reddy
- EuroPython 2014/2015 Conference Team - Reminder: Call for Proposals
M.-A. Lemburg
- Python Game Development?
letsplaysforu at gmail.com
- Trying to work with data from a query using Python.
ethereal_robe at hotmail.com
- Oportunidade: Desenvolvedor Python
- [ANNOUNCE] greenlet 0.4.1
Ralf Schmitt
- Idiomatic Python for incrementing pairs
Tim Chase
- Riemann and Bernhard, a distributed systems monitor and Python client
- Installing PyGame?
Eam onn
- Re-using copyrighted code
Malte Forkel
- Listing modules from all installed packages
Julien Phalip
- I used defaultdic to store some variables but the output is blank
claire morandin
- A few questiosn about encoding
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- Redirecting to a third party site with injected HTML
guytamir1 at gmail.com
- [newbie] problem with if then
Jean Dubois
- Simple converter of files into their hex components... but i can't arrange utf-8 parts!
blatt447477 at gmail.com
- Simple program question.
eschneider92 at comcast.net
- Sorting a set works, sorting a dictionary fails ?
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- Reply to post 'Tryign to add a valkue to a set'
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- Encoding questions (continuation)
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- files.py (weird encoding error)
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- files.py (encoding error)
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- Newbie: question regarding references and class relationships
Rui Maciel
- testfixtures 3.0.1 Released!
Chris Withers
- py_compile vs. built-in compile, with __future__
- Questions on "import" and "datetime"
Yunfei Dai
- PDF in a Bottle - creating PDF using xtopdf, ReportLab, Bottle and Python
- Build Python 2.7.5 - Modules missing
Walter Hurry
- Popen and reading stdout in windows
Joseph L. Casale
- Split a list into two parts based on a filter?
Roy Smith
- "Don't rebind built-in names*" - it confuses readers
Terry Jan Reedy
- Receing a form variable as a list instead of as a string
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- [ANN] ErlPort (library to connect Erlang to Python) 1.0.0alpha released
Dmitry Vasilev
- PyGame tutorial?
Eam onn
- PYTHONPATH: dev and prod
- A certainl part of an if() structure never gets executed.
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- ABOUT-MOBILES and Download Computer eBOOKs
friendpunjab at gmail.com
- Why doesn't nose see my plugin?
Roy Smith
- ValueError: I/O operation on closed file. with python3
Adam Mercer
- Modify code with AST
Ronny Mandal
- Turnign greek-iso filenames => utf-8 iso
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- Simple algorithm question - how to reorder a sequence economically
Robert Kern
- .mat files processing in Python
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- www Spankwire - Amazing porn video collection
tongsai56 at gmail.com
- Wrong website loaded when other requested
Νικόλαος Κούρας
- My son wants me to teach him Python
John Ladasky
- Python Magazine
Chris Angelico
- Version Control Software
- Problem creating a regular expression to parse open-iscsi, iscsiadm output (help?)
rice.cruft at gmail.com
- Debugging memory leaks
- Any speech to text conversation python library for Linux and mac box
Ranjith Kumar
- How to pass instance into decorator function
Jayakrishnan Damodaran
- Newbie: standard way to add version, author and license to a source file?
Rui Maciel
- Must we include urllib just to decode a URL-encoded string, when using Requests?
Dotan Cohen
- Performance of list.index - how to speed up a silly algorithm?
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
buford.lumbar at gmail.com
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
Joel Goldstick
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
Dave Angel
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
buford.lumbar at gmail.com
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
Steven D'Aprano
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
Denis McMahon
- Creating a Super Simple WWW Link, Copy, & Paste into Spreadsheet Program
Michael Herman
- Having a hard time to 'get' bing api search results
Yves S. Garret
- [ANNC] pynguin-0.15 python turtle graphics application
Lee Harr
- Useful Python books and Web sites for system administrators
Richard Zinar
- Eval of expr with 'or' and 'and' within
Nick the Gr33k
- how to use two threads to produce even and odd numbers?
Zoe Wendy
- nimsg -- the Network Instant MeSsenGer
Hunter D
- [ANN] Pyreshark 0.1.1
Eshed Shaham
- Pool.map mongodb cursor
- Pip install failing with HTTP 304 (Not Modified)
jcdyer78 at gmail.com
- PyGresql 4.1.1 for python2.7
j.mapping at gmail.com
- Eliminate login and registration forms, instant user engagement.
pdxwebdev at gmail.com
- problem uploading docs to pypi
Irmen de Jong
- Memory usage steadily going up while pickling objects
Giorgos Tzampanakis
- Newbie: The philosophy behind list indexes
ian.l.cameron at gmail.com
- Pattern Search Regular Expression
subhabangalore at gmail.com
- Potential Python 3.3.2 pyvenv bug on Windows
peter at psantoro.net
- Scripting Calligra Sheets with Python
Jim Byrnes
- XML to PDF book with ElementTree and xtopdf
- Why 'files.py' does not print the filenames into a table format?
Nick the Gr33k
- Timsort in Cpython
alphonse23 at gmail.com
- Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams
lucabrasi154 at gmail.com
- Python MegaMan X clone - full game engine
Turtle Wizard
- Imports (in Py3), please help a novice
John Ladasky
- on git gc --aggressive [was Re: Version Control Software]
Jason Swails
- Using Python to automatically boot my computer at a specific time and play a podcast
C. N. Desrosiers
- Python API
Ganesh Pandi
- ANN: Python Meeting Düsseldorf - 16.07.2013
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- Natural Language Processing with Python .dispersion_plot returns nothing
- Updating a filename's counter value failed each time
- Tonight's meeting + s Database link
Kevin LaTona
- Help me with the script? How to find items in csv file A and not in file B and vice versa
Alan Newbie
- ANN: eGenix mxODBC Django Database Engine - Django ODBC Adapter 1.2.0
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- Python Liscensing
Steven Hern
- decorator to fetch arguments from global objects
andrea crotti
- Writing Extensions for Python 3 in C
Aditya Avinash
- python-django for dynamic web survey?
- dynamic if statement
upperdecksu at gmail.com
- weird behavior. bug perhaps?
- Why is regex so slow?
Roy Smith
- os.putenv() has no effect
Johannes Bauer
- multiprocessing pipes with custom pickler
- collecting variable assignments through settrace
- Beginner Question: 3D Models
andrewblundon at gmail.com
- another language with classes?
Ivan Shmakov
- A Beginner's Doubt
augustofec at gmail.com
- Question about using dictionaries and QTableWidget
Sara Lochtie
- Idea for key parameter in all() builting, would it be feasible?
russ.pobox at gmail.com
- How much memory does Django consume compared to Rails?
Jason Hsu
- Default Value
Ahmed Abdulshafy
- python game
jacksonkemp1234 at gmail.com
- Problem with the "for" loop syntax
arturo balbuena
- Popen in Python3
Joseph L. Casale
- About GIL Questions!
Thanatos xiao
- Error running xmlrpc Client and server under different Python versions
stanislav.borisover at gmail.com
- New line conversion with Popen attached to a pty
Jonathan Harden
- Dealing with ' (suds)
Ombongi Moraa Fe
- Looking for a scalable Python cloud platform ? Go try Clever Cloud!
Adrien Cretté
- Does upgrade from 2.7.3 to 2.7.5 require uninstall?
- Problems with pkg_resources
Skip Montanaro
- Finding all instances of a string in an XML file
Jason Friedman
- Simple I/O problem can't get solved
nickgan.sps at windowslive.com
- how can I check if group member exist ?
- n00b question on spacing
Yves S. Garret
- Question about pickle
Phu Sam
- [ANN] pypiserver 1.1.2 - minimal private pypi server
Ralf Schmitt
- How can i fix this?
Борислав Бориславов
- newbie question
christhecomic at gmail.com
- What is the semantics meaning of 'object'?
- Making a pass form cgi => webpy framework
- tkinter
- Python development tools
- Loop Question
christhecomic at gmail.com
- ANN: Bubbles 0.1 – Virtual Data Object Framework
Dariusz Suchojad
- Looking for a name for a deployment framework...
jonathan.slenders at gmail.com
- What's wrong with this code? (UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment)
pablobarhamalzas at gmail.com
- Is this PEP-able? fwhile
jimjhb at aol.com
- (newbye) exceptions list for python3 classes
- io module and pdf question
jyoung79 at kc.rr.com
- Unable to import NHunspell.dll using ctypes in Python
akshay.ksth at gmail.com
- Inconsistency on getting arguments
Marco Perniciaro
- Love Italy è su Facebook.
- problem with pyinstaller: packaging multiple python scripts under Mac
Boxuan Cui
- Limit Lines of Output
Bryan Britten
- newbie EOL while scanning string literal
willlewis965 at gmail.com
- Parsing soap/xml result
miguel olivares varela
- Python Zelda II sequel - game engine works - GPLv2
Turtle Wizard
- using 3rd party dll in python - UsingTheVRTTDriver.zip (0/1)
Mark R Rivet
- Proxy connection with Python
bevan jenkins
- "unresolved externals" error message building pywin32 for pypy
jasonveldicott at gmail.com
- Returned mail: Data format error
noreply at mxhero.com
- class factory question
- re.finditer() skips unicode into selection
akshay.ksth at gmail.com
- Need help removing trailing zeros
bandcamp57 at gmail.com
- SQL code generation from table-free boolean queries?
Foo Stack
- "private" class attributes
wgtrey at gmail.com
- What is the purpose of type() and the types module and what is a type?
Russel Walker
- ANN: python-ldap 2.4.13
Michael Ströder
- looking for a linguistical/semiotic quote
- Why is the argparse module so inflexible?
Andrew Berg
- خطاب الرئيس محمد مرسي كاملا يوم 26-6-2013
- How to make a web framework
gamesbrainiac at gmail.com
- Devnagari Unicode Conversion Issues
- Running programs on mobile phones
Mok-Kong Shen
- Python ZeldaII sequel - mapeditor
Turtle Wizard
- warnings filters for varying message
John Reid
- Problems with subclassing enum34
Thomas Heller
- ? get negative from prod(x) when x is positive integers
Vincent Davis
- what happened?
- Survey - how much do you rely on Free/Open Source Software?
- indexerror: list index out of range??
Titiksha Joshi
- python adds an extra half space when reading from a string or list
charles benoit
- Closures in leu of pointers?
cts.private.yahoo at gmail.com
- MeCab UTF-8 Decoding Problem
fobos3 at gmail.com
- password protect file
gmsiders at gmail.com
- Confused approach to Pyinstaller
- Unittest fails to import module
Martin Schöön
- Rough sketch of a PEP for issue2292
Joshua Landau
- Stupid ways to spell simple code
Chris Angelico
- python3 import idlelib.PyShell fails
Helmut Jarausch
- Twisted 13.1.0 released
Ashwini Oruganti
- Issues compiling hunspell from source on windows
Akshay Kayastha
- math functions with non numeric args
Andrew Z
- Python, meet Turtle
- settrace doesn't trace builtin functions
Last message date:
Sun Jun 30 22:11:55 EDT 2013
Archived on: Mon Oct 28 06:19:39 EDT 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).