Best Practices with Python

Stephane Wirtel stephane at
Fri Mar 1 10:10:11 EST 2013

Hi all,

How are you ? me ? fine ;-)

I have a lot of questions about the development with Python.

I want to discuss about the tools for the enhancement of the quality of
a project, not about the debugging (I don't want to discuss about pdb,
ipdb, pudb, ...)

I use these tools 

1. Documentation

    a. I like the reStructuredText syntax
    b. We can parse the files and get an AST
    c. We can add a lot of directives or new roles for custom behaviors
    d. We can generate several output formats (pdf, epub, html)

2. BDD
    I use Behave:

3. TDD

4. Code

    Clone Digger ?
        for me this project is very useful because we can determine the
        duplicated code via a pattern matching.
        but the project seems to be dead

    pylint ?
        very strict but we can change the configuration, but very useful
        to have a quality of code

    flake8 ?
        more permissive than pylint.

5. Continuous Integration Server
    Jenkins with Shining Panda

    What do you think about Buildbot ?

6. Logging

And you, what are your best practices ?



Stéphane Wirtel - - @matrixise

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