Set x to to None and del x doesn't release memory in python 2.7.1 (HPUX 11.23, ia64)

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Sat Mar 9 15:35:47 EST 2013

On 2013-03-09, Roy Smith <roy at> wrote:
> In article <khg1v3$l7q$1 at>,
>  Grant Edwards <invalid at invalid.invalid> wrote:
>> In Unix there is no way to release heap memory (which is what you're
>> talking about) back to the OS except for terminating the process.
> That's not quite true.  The man page for BRK(2) (at least on the Linux 
> box I happen to have handy) says:
> "brk() and sbrk() change the location of the program break, which 
> defines the  end  of  the process's data segment (i.e., the program 
> break is the first location after the end of the uninitialized data 
> segment).  Increasing the program break has the  effect  of  allocating 
> memory to the process; decreasing the break deallocates memory."
> So, in theory, it's possible.

Well spotted.  I would have bet money (OK, not a lot), that sbrk()
only accepted positive increment values.  I seem to have conflated
what sbrk() will accept and the fact that the C library's malloc/free
calls never call sbrk() with a nagative number.

[... nicely done demonstraction of negative sbrk() parameter usage ...]

> In practice, unless you go to extraordinary lengths (i.e. avoid
> almost all of the standard C library), the break is going to be
> managed by malloc(), and malloc() provides no way to give memory back
> (insert handwave here about mmap, and another handwave about various
> versions of malloc).  But, that's due to the way malloc() manages its
> arena, not anything fundamental about how Unix works.


What I should have said was that there's no way to return to the OS
memory obtained via calls to malloc() et al, and those are the calls
that "good" C programmers (like the maintainers of CPython) use.

In theory, you could modify the C library so that calls to free()
might return memory to the OS.  Sometimes.  If you're lucky.

The problem is that if there's _one_byte_ of memory in use at the
"end" of the heap region, it doesn't matter if there's an unused 16GB
chunk in the middle -- it can't be returned to the OS.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Look DEEP into the
                                  at               OPENINGS!!  Do you see any
                                ELVES or EDSELS ... or a
                                                   HIGHBALL?? ...

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