how to make a tree with randomly selected html tags from an array in python?
zuhaib.chohan88 at
zuhaib.chohan88 at
Sun Mar 10 15:23:16 EDT 2013
I am new to python. I have xml file as an input to my python script "html.xml". I made an array which contains html tags:
from xml.etree import ElementTree
tree = ElementTree.parse("html.xml")
olp = tree.findall("//tag_Name")
mylist = [t.text for t in olp]
print mylist
The output is:
[' !--...-- ', ' !DOCTYPE ', ' a ', ' abbr ', ' acronym ', ' address ', ' applet
', ' area ', ' article ', ' aside ', ' audio ', ' b ', ' base ', ' basefont ',
' bdi ', ' bdo ', ' big ', ' blockquote ', ' body ', ' br ', ' button ', ' canva
s ', ' caption ', ' center ', ' cite ', ' code ', ' col ', ' colgroup ', ' comma
nd ', ' datalist ', ' dd ', ' del ', ' details ', ' dfn ', ' dialog ', ' dir ',
' div ', ' dl ', ' dt ', ' em ', ' embed ', ' fieldset ', ' figcaption ', ' figu
re ', ' font ', ' footer ', ' form ', ' frame ', ' frameset ', ' h1 to h6 ', ' h
ead ', ' header ', ' hgroup ', ' hr ', ' html ', ' i ', ' iframe ', ' img ', ' i
nput ', ' ins ', ' kbd ', ' keygen ', ' label ', ' legend ', ' li ', ' link ', '
map ', ' mark ', ' menu ', ' meta ', ' meter ', ' nav ', ' noframes ', ' noscri
pt ', ' object ', ' ol ', ' optgroup ', ' option ', ' output ', ' p ', ' param '
, ' pre ', ' progress ', ' q ', ' rp ', ' rt ', ' ruby ', ' s ', ' samp ', ' scr
ipt ', ' section ', ' select ', ' small ', ' source ', ' span ', ' strike ', ' s
trong ', ' style ', ' sub ', ' summary ', ' sup ', ' table ', ' tbody ', ' td ',
' textarea ', ' tfoot ', ' th ', ' thead ', ' time ', ' title ', ' tr ', ' trac
k ', ' tt ', ' u ', ' ul ', ' var ', ' video ', ' wbr ']
>From the above array, I want to randomly select some tags and want to make a tree like: (As an example)
Root node 'abbr' with child nodes 'a' and 'option'
'a' with child nodes 'video' and 'title'
'option' with child nodes 'output' and 'source'
Can anyone tell me how I can do that? what should be the code in python?
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