ANN: eGenix mxODBC 3.2.2 - Python ODBC Database Interface
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
info at
Mon Mar 25 06:10:39 EDT 2013
Python ODBC Database Interface
Version 3.2.2
mxODBC is our commercially supported Python extension providing
ODBC database connectivity to Python applications
on Windows, Mac OS X, Unix and BSD platforms
This announcement is also available on our web-site for online reading:
mxODBC provides an easy-to-use, high-performance, reliable and robust
Python interface to ODBC compatible databases such as MS SQL Server,
MS Access, Oracle Database, IBM DB2 and Informix , Sybase ASE and
Sybase Anywhere, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SAP MaxDB and many more:
The "eGenix mxODBC - Python ODBC Database Interface" product is a
commercial extension to our open-source eGenix mx Base Distribution:
The 3.2.2 release of our mxODBC is the latest patch level release of
our popular Python ODBC Interface. In this release, we've included the
following the following enhancements and fixes:
Feature Enhancements
* Backported the new .cursortype attribute from the upcoming
mxODBC 3.3.
The new attribute allows easily adjusting and inspecting the ODBC
cursor type to be used for an mxODBC cursor object.
The reason for this unusual backport and inclusion in a patch level
release is that we found a serious performance issue with MS SQL
Server when using it with mxODBC 3.2 (see below). This needed to be
addressed immediately.
Driver Compatibility
* MS SQL Server performance can now be much enhanced, and increased
to levels beyond that of mxODBC 3.1 and previous releases, by
adjusting the default cursor type to forward-only cursors:
connection = mx.ODBC.Windows.DriverConnect(...)
connection.cursortype = mx.ODBC.Windows.SQL.CURSOR_FORWARD_ONLY
# Cursors created on this connection will then default to forward
# only cursors, instead of the mxODBC 3.2 default for SQL Server
# of using static cursors
cursor = connection.cursor()
The performance increase compared to mxODBC 3.2.1 is enormous:
from 2-3x faster executes/fetches for average queries, up to 300x
faster for simple cases.
In mxODBC 3.3, we will switch to using forward-only cursors per
default for all database backends.
* IBM DB2 can benefit from the same performance enhancements using
forward-only cursors.
The effect is a lot smaller, but still noticeable: up to 2x faster
executes/fetches with forward-only cursors, compared to mxODBC
* Added documentation to explain the different cursor types,
compatibility with different database backends and effects on
* Fixed a problem with using mxODBC cursors as context managers:
these worked fine in Python 2.6, but had stopped working in Python
2.7 due to changes in the Python internals.
For the full set of changes please check the mxODBC change log:
mxODBC 3.2 was released on 2012-08-28. Please see the full
announcement for highlights of the 3.2 release:
For the full set of features mxODBC has to offer, please see:
mxODBC is available in these three editions:
* The low-cost Standard Edition which provides data connectivity to a
single database type, e.g. just MS SQL Server.
* The Professional Edition, which gives full access to all mxODBC
* The Product Development Edition, which allows including mxODBC in
applications you develop.
Compared to mxODBC 3.0, we have simplified our license terms to
clarify the situation on multi-core and virtual machines. In most
cases, you no longer need to purchase more than one license per
processor or virtual machine, scaling down the overall license costs
significantly compared to earlier mxODBC releases.
For a complete overview of the new editions, please see the product page.
The download archives and instructions for installing the package can
be found at:
In order to use the eGenix mxODBC package you will first need to
install the eGenix mx Base package:
Users are encouraged to upgrade to this latest mxODBC release to
benefit from the new features and updated ODBC driver support.
We have taken special care, not to introduce backwards incompatible
changes, making the upgrade experience as smooth as possible.
Customers who have purchased mxODBC 3.2 license can continue to use
their licenses with this patch level release.
Customers who have purchased mxODBC 2.x, 3.0 or 3.1 licenses, can
benefit from upgrade discounts. We will give out 20% discount coupons
going from mxODBC 2.x to 3.2 and 50% coupons for upgrades from mxODBC
3.x to 3.2. After upgrade, use of the original license from which you
upgraded is no longer permitted.
Please contact the Sales Team at sales at with your
existing license serials for details for an upgrade discount coupon.
If you want to try the new release before purchace, you can request
30-day evaluation licenses by visiting our web-site
or by writing to sales at, stating your name (or the name of
the company) and the number of eval licenses that you need.
Commercial support for this product is available from
Please see
for details about our support offerings.
About Python (
Python is an object-oriented Open Source programming language
which runs on all modern platforms. By integrating ease-of-use,
clarity in coding, enterprise application connectivity and rapid
application design, Python establishes an ideal programming
platform for today's IT challenges.
About eGenix (
eGenix is a software project, consulting and product company
focusing on expert services and professional quality products for
companies, Python users and developers.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
Professional Python Services directly from the Source (#1, Mar 25 2013)
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::::: Try our mxODBC.Connect Python Database Interface for free ! :::::: Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611
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