Export data from python to a txt file

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Fri Mar 29 14:11:01 EDT 2013

Ana DionĂ­sio wrote:

> I have this lists a=[1,3,5,6,10], b=[a,t,q,r,s] and I need to export it to
> a txt file and I can't use csv.

What do you mean by "can't use csv"?

- You cannot get it to work with the csv module
- You are not allowed to use csv by your instructor
- Something else.

> And I want the next format:
> a 1 3 5 6 10
> b a t q r s
> I already have this code:
> "f = open("test.txt", 'w')
>  f.write("a")
>  f.write("\n")
>  f.write("b")
>  f.write("\n")
>  for i in xrange(len(a)):
>     LDFile.write("\t")
>     LDFile.write(str(a[i]))
>     LDFile.write("\t")
>     LDFile.write(str(b[i]))
>  f.close()"
> But it doesn't have the format I want. Can you help?
> Thanks!

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