Python 3.2.3 and my blank page
Νίκος Γκρ33κ
nikos.gr33k at
Sun Mar 31 16:08:59 EDT 2013
Τη Κυριακή, 31 Μαρτίου 2013 10:46:57 μ.μ. UTC+3, ο χρήστης ru... at έγραψε:
> On 03/31/2013 01:12 PM, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:
> > Firsly, thank you for your willing to help me. i wrote, uploaded an
> > chmoded and you can see the cgi enviromental table here:
> > All values seem okey, so it
> > really isnt somehting wrong with the cgi enviroment. Also i chnagen
> > the host line to what you suggestes so interactive prompts will not
> > give errors. Please take a look the values to see if something not
> > look ok and i 'am about to create another trest script to check if i
> > can pefrom a simple mysql query with python 3.2.3 just to make sure
> > the MySQLdb connector work ok with 3.x
> I didn't mean that there was anything *wrong* with your cgi
> environment, only that it is *different* than your interactive
> environment.
> It is easier to debug code in an interactive environment than a
> cgi one so you want to do as much debugging interactively as possible,.
> But because the environments are different your code will behave
> differently. Knowing what is different between the two environments
> will help you know if an error is due to a real problem in your
> code, or is just due to the different environment. And it will
> help you setup your interactive environment to be as close as
> possible to the cgi one.
But i look the code and run python via interactive prompt and it says it has no error.
So i don't have a clue on what i still need to try since i get no error via cmd or via browser(blank page)
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