Drag and drop in Windows

Christian Gollwitzer auriocus at gmx.de
Wed May 1 04:25:34 EDT 2013

Hi Robert,

Am 01.05.13 10:06, schrieb Robert Flintham:
> Thanks Kevin, that looks great.  It's having trouble finding TkDND
> though - is there a certain place in the "Python27" directory that
> it's most likely to look?  It's currently under Lib/site-packages,
> but I'm suspicious that Tk/Tkinter has its own library somewhere.

Does it do a "package require?" In that case, check your auto path

	tk.eval('set auto_path')
Tcl looks for the libs in the folders listed there.

> Christian - you were right.  The TkDND DLL looks to be for x64.  Is
> there a way around this?

Just download the right version:


I haven't checked the content, but expect the "*ix86.tar.gz" file to be 
32 bit, whereas the "*x86_64.tar.gz" is 64 bit (despite the "win32" in 
the name).

You can extract tar.gz using winzip for example. I think it is a mistake 
to package Windows binaries using tar.gz instead of ZIP.


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