my favorite line of py code so far
Peter Otten
__peter__ at
Sat Nov 9 06:49:35 EST 2013
Peter Cacioppi wrote:
> Peter Otten said:
> ">>> _ = lambda c: lambda x: c(*x)
>>>> list(map(_(P), zip([1,2,3], [6, 5, 4])))
> [Point(x=1, y=6), Point(x=2, y=5), Point(x=3, y=4)]
> ? While the obvious approach would be
>>>> [P(*args) for args in zip([1,2,3], [6, 5, 4])]
> [Point(x=1, y=6), Point(x=2, y=5), Point(x=3, y=4)] "
> I would have coded
>>>> map(_(P), zip([1,2,3], [6, 5, 4]))
> Which is very concise and (to me) quite clear. Forgive me for having a
> bias for fewer characters.
Consider developing a bias for self-explanatory names ;)
> Are you saying it's always preferable to avoid map?
No. I'm saying that if you have a problem with multiple solutions you should
pick the boringly obvious one if you plan to reuse or publish the code.
There is no obvious meaning attached to _ -- so don't use it.
> Is map going to be deprecated?
Not to my knowledge. I use it when I already have a function ready
to be called with the items in a sequence. Continuing the Point example that
could be
map(Point, xvals, yvals)
map(Point.from_tuple, xypairs)
> I sometimes use map, sometimes comprehensions. I suspect other people do
> the same, that's why the language supports map and comprehensions.
> "there is also itertools.starmap(): "
> Thanks, that's a bit closer to what I am doing. To me the pure combinator
> is more appealing than starmap, but the presence of starmap explains why
> the library wouldn't need the combinator.
I found only a single use of starmap on my machine (and one more in the
# in redis.client
all_cmds = ''.join(starmap(connection.pack_command,
[args for args, options in commands]))
and frankly, I would prefer
all_cmds = "".join(
connection.pack_command(*args) for args, options in commands)
which by some strange coincidence also requires fewer letters to type.
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