My first real request for help

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Tue Nov 19 17:01:42 EST 2013

On Tuesday 19 November 2013 16:48:40 xDog Walker did opine:

> On Tuesday 2013 November 19 10:57, Tim Chase wrote:
> > Just an observation here, it looks like you might have a "one"
> > instead of an "ell" in "float" in the file-name.
> That is exactly what I see using Monospace font where the letter and
> digit are different shapes.

And I see exactly that in firefox. That l is indeed a 1.  No wonder I 
couldn't type it, but could copy/paste it.  Until I renamed it with an l.

That bit of confusion first bit me hard, darned near 30 tears ago, building 
a trig functions library for the Microware C compiler running on a trs-80 
Color Computer. Source published in the Rainbow magazine, Offset plates 
made from a DMP printer.  I don't remember that fondly at all. I traded 
printers because of that, the 9 pin DMP's used exactly the same image for 
both.  I had quite a bit more gray hair when that was done. :(

Thanks for making me go look again. :)

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)

"Ninety percent of baseball is half mental."
		-- Yogi Berra
A pen in the hand of this president is far more
dangerous than 200 million guns in the hands of
         law-abiding citizens.

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