Recursive generator for combinations of a multiset?
Oscar Benjamin
oscar.j.benjamin at
Mon Nov 25 07:15:15 EST 2013
On 21 November 2013 13:01, John O'Hagan <research at> wrote:
> In my use-case the first argument to multicombs is a tuple of words
> which may contain duplicates, and it produces all unique combinations
> of a certain length of those words, eg:
> list(multicombs(('cat', 'hat', 'in', 'the', 'the'), 3))
> [('cat', 'hat', 'in'), ('cat', 'hat', 'the'), ('cat', 'in', 'the'),
> ('cat', 'the', 'the'), ('hat', 'in', 'the'), ('hat', 'the', 'the'),
> ('in', 'the', 'the')]
I still don't understand what you're actually doing well enough to
know whether there is a better general approach to the problem. For
the specific thing you requested, here is a recursive multiset
combinations generator. Does it do what you wanted?
#!/usr/bin/env python
def multicombs(it, r):
words = []
last = None
for N, word in enumerate(it):
if word == last:
words[-1][1] += 1
words.append([word, 1])
last = word
cumulative = 0
for n in range(len(words)-1, -1, -1):
cumulative += words[n][1]
return _multicombs((), words, r)
def _multicombs(prepend, words, r):
if r == 0:
yield prepend
(word, count, rem), *remaining = words
for k in range(max(r-rem, 0), min(count, r) + 1):
yield from _multicombs(prepend + (word,) * k, remaining, r-k)
expected = [
('cat', 'hat', 'in'),
('cat', 'hat', 'the'),
('cat', 'in', 'the'),
('cat', 'the', 'the'),
('hat', 'in', 'the'),
('hat', 'the', 'the'),
('in', 'the', 'the'),
output = list(multicombs(('cat', 'hat', 'in', 'the', 'the'), 3))
assert len(expected) == len(output)
assert set(expected) == set(output) # The order is different
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