Select fails when cookie tried to get a numeric value
Denis McMahon
denismfmcmahon at
Sat Oct 5 19:36:14 EDT 2013
On Sat, 05 Oct 2013 16:38:14 +0300, Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος wrote:
> [my cookie code is fucked]
Hi Nick
I had never used python for www before yesterday. I had never used python
before about 6 months ago.
In the last 24 hours I have installed mod-wsgi on my apache web server,
and written test code that enables me to see the result of all
environment data, parse the get string, parse post data, set and parse
cookies, and save session data to a file specific to the cookie data.
There may be better ways to do some of it, but it works.
Here is a link to the text of my python file:
Once you have read through it (there are comments) and understood how it
handles cookies and session data, you will realise that you can add and
modify any session data just by adding relevant items to and reading them
from the session data dictionary. The session data stays on the server,
the cookie simply identifies the session (and the session data file), and
hopefully is unique to the user.
Don't ask me any questions about why I did something the way I did it. I
did it that way because it works. If anyone knows a different way that
also works and maybe works better, feel free to discuss it. But Nick,
don't you dare suggest any change that doesn't work because you think it
looks better.
If you don't understand a module function that I've used, read the python
documentation for it.
If you think you have a question that is not covered by the above
statements, feel free to ask me, here, why I wrote a given line number or
group of line numbers the way I did. However, see the notes above - the
answer will probably be "because it works that way".
If you quote the whole file or even large chunks of it here, I am
finished with trying to help you, ever!
Denis McMahon, denismfmcmahon at
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