skipping __init__ and using exploiting a class member instead

Neil Cerutti neilc at
Mon Oct 21 14:47:25 EDT 2013

On 2013-10-20, Ben Finney <ben+python at> wrote:
> Roy Smith <roy at> writes:
>> Scott Meyers is an incredibly smart C++ wizard.  His books are amazing.  
>> The fact that it takes somebody that smart, and books that amazing, to 
>> teach you how not to shoot yourself in the foot with a C++ compiler says 
>> a lot about the language.
> +1 QotW

The existence of the STL shows a counterpoint to the complexity.
There are rewards for the complexity, in other words. Some of the
recipes in Meyers' books are amazing: The combination of class
templates, the envelope pattern, and template specialization, for
example; you get a generic interface with a decoupled
implementation which can be optimized for specific types at need.

Neil Cerutti

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