Printing a drop down menu for a specific field.
Nick the Gr33k
nikos.gr33k at
Sat Oct 26 19:52:55 EDT 2013
Στις 27/10/2013 2:31 πμ, ο/η Nick the Gr33k έγραψε:
> Στις 26/10/2013 9:33 μμ, ο/η rurpy at έγραψε:
>> On 10/20/2013 05:30 PM, Νίκος Αλεξόπουλος wrote:
>>> try:
>>> cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
>>> lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
>>> url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
>>> data = cur.fetchall()
>>> for row in data:
>>> (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit) = row
>>> lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
>>> print( "<tr>" )
>>> for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, lastvisit):
>>> print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" % item )
>>> except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
>>> print( repr(e) )
>>> ===========================================
>>> In the above code i print the record of the mysql table visitors in each
>>> row like this:
>>> Now, i wish to write the same thing but when it comes to print the
>>> 'lastvisit' field to display it in a <select></select> tag so all prior
>>> visits for the same host appear in a drop down menu opposed to as i have
>>> it now which i only print the datetime of just the latest visit of that
>>> host and not all its visit datetimes.
>> Perhaps something like this is what you are looking for?
>>> try:
>>> cur.execute( '''SELECT host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits,
>>> lastvisit FROM visitors WHERE counterID = (SELECT ID FROM counters WHERE
>>> url = %s) ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''', page )
>>> data = cur.fetchall()
>> newdata = coalesce( data )
>> for row in newdata:
>> (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visits) = row
>> # Note that 'visits' is now a list of visit times.
>> print( "<tr>" )
>> for item in (host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits):
>> print( "<td><center><b><font color=white> %s </td>" %
>> item )
>> print( "<td><select>" )
>> for n, visit in enumerate (visits):
>> visittime = visit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
>> if n == 0: op_selected = 'selected="selected"'
>> else: op_selected = ''
>> print( "<option %s>%s</option>" % (op_selected,
>> visittime) )
>> print( "</select></td>" )
>> print( "</tr>" )
>> def coalesce (data):
>> '''Combine multiple data rows differing only in the 'hits' and
>> 'visits' fields into a single row with 'visits' changed into a
>> list of the multiple visits values, and hits changed into the
>> sum of the multiple 'hits' values. Order of rows is preserved
>> so that rows with most recent visits still come first.'''
>> newdata = []
>> seen = {}
>> for host, city, useros, browser, ref, hits, visit in data:
>> # Here you have to decide how to group the rows together.
>> # For example, if you have
>> # | Europe/Athens | Windows |
>> Explorer | Direct Hit | 1 | Παρασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:48
>> # | Europe/Athens | Windows |
>> Explorer | Direct Hit | 3 | Παρασκευή 25 Οκτ, 20:06
>> # do you want those as one row on the html page, or two?
>> # If one, what value do you want to show for 'hits'
>> (Επανάληψη)?
>> # "1", "3", "4"?
>> # I'll assume that you want an html row for every unique
>> # combination of (host, city, useros, browser) and that hits
>> # should be summed together.
>> key = host, city, useros, browser, ref
>> if key not in seen:
>> newdata.append ([host, city, useros, browser, ref,
>> hits, [visit]])
>> seen[key] = len (newdata) - 1 # Save index (for
>> 'newdata') of this row.
>> else: # This row is a duplicate row with a different
>> visit time.
>> rowindex = seen[key]
>> newdata[rowindex][5] += hits
>> newdata[rowindex][6].append (visit)
>> return newdata
>> Several caveats...
>> The code above is untested, you'll probably have to fix some errors
>> but hopefully it is clear enough.
>> I only read this group intermittently these days so it you respond
>> with question about the code, or need more help, it is likely I
>> will not see your message so don't be surprised if you don't get an
>> answer.
>> Hope this is more helpful than the other answers you got.
> Thank you very much Rurpy, i appreciate your help very much.
> Even of you havent tested it your code runs flawlessly.
> Only 1 side effect.
> If visitor comes from a referrer link then the visit[] list doesn't not
> add its timestamp into it.
> It only adds it in case of a direct hit when there is no referer present.
Ah foun it had to change in you code this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser, ref
to this line:
key = host, city, useros, browser
so 'ref' wouldnt be calculated in the unique combination key.
I'am still trying to understand the logic of your code and trying to
create a history list column for the 'referrers'
I dont know how to write it though to produce the sam
What is now proved was at first only imagined! & WebHost
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