Python, Linux, and the setuid bit

Grant Edwards invalid at invalid.invalid
Mon Apr 14 18:07:07 EDT 2014

On 2014-04-14, Grant Edwards <invalid at invalid.invalid> wrote:
> On 2014-04-14, John Gordon <gordon at> wrote:

>>>      char **envp_read;
>>>      char **envp_write;
>>>      if (envp_write < envp_read)
>>>      {
>>>          memset(envp_write, 0, ((unsigned int) envp_read -
>>>                                 (unsigned int) envp_write));
>>>      }
>> I think it's complaining about casting the char ** objects to unsigned int.
> If we assume that the author is trying to clear memory between the
> addresses pointed to by the two variables, then it's probably better
> be cast to (char *) before the subtracted.

Wow, I mangled that sentence.  It should have been something like:

then it's probably better to cast them to (char *) before the

 memset(envp_write, 0, ((char*)envp_read)-((char*)envp_write));

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! My mind is making
                                  at               ashtrays in Dayton ...

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