Moving to an OOP model from an classically imperitive one
Amirouche Boubekki
amirouche.boubekki at
Fri Apr 25 13:21:25 EDT 2014
I have no definitive answer regarding the OOP/functional mismatch.
2014-04-24 18:53 GMT+02:00 <tim.thelion at>:
> > A reasonable compromise might be to keep the *data* assocated
> >
> > with a SubuserProgram in a class, maybe together with a few
> >
> > methods that are tightly coupled to it, but have the major
> >
> > pieces of functionality such as install() implemented by
> >
> > separate functions that operate *on* the class, rather than
> >
> > being inside it.
> >
> I think this is sound advice. I'm still not sure what I'll come up with.
> One of the other reasons why an OOP model might be right for me is that of
> caching. I currently load a lot of attributes regarding programs from
> disk, and I do so multiple times, I could either pass those attributes
> around, OR, using a class, I could store those attributes in the object
> after loading them just once.
You could also use a generator with a somekind of memoization/cache.
> I have no experience with OOP except in the domain of GUIs (where it seems
> inescapable, all major toolkits use OOP)
I have some experience in GUIs with Python in a proprietary framework.
I have a bias for OOP and Python in particular. I started exploring Scheme
through Guile and other languages more or less. I am asking myself the
question "what is the interest of functional programming or so called".
Scheme doesn't enforce functional code or immutability. It's actually "more
open" somewhat because of the macro system among other things. Outside any
performance considerations or implementations details like GIL. Scheme and
(all?) *LISP don't use the infix notation*. probably because you can work
around it but IMO not fully. The infix notations allows to write things
like: people.move_to(paris). It's easy to read, as «Subject Verb
Complement»... Class based OOP is prefered because of that, in a lot of
situations. IMO, if OOP won, it's because of readability, and in particular
Class based OOP. JavaScript OOP is useless in asynchronous context, see Maybe you can work around this feature with
JavaScript descriptors easly, I did not try that.
so I'm not yet sure how this will turn out.
I skimmed through the code, but it's very superficial reading, like I
installed pycharm to ask for help...:
- CamelCase is usually for class names. That said, sometime variable
holding classes are called my_object_class or my_object_factory
- I think would be easier to read with a class... or a
function that initialize the dictionary as intented and just use dict
methods onward.
- To I read code, I have a systematic method I call
gunshot/destructive/production rules/function inlining/develop (as the dual
of factorize).
I started with, I got:
def getSubuserCommands():
""" Returns a list of commands that may be called by the user. """
def isPathToSubuserCommand(path):
directory, executableName = os.path.split(path)
return executableName.startswith("subuser-")
externalCommandPaths = queryPATH(isPathToSubuserCommand)
externalCommands = []
for externalCommandPath in externalCommandPaths:
commandDir, executableName = os.path.split(externalCommandPath)
commandName = executableName[subuserPrefixLength:]
external_subuser_commands = list(set(externalCommands))
return list(set(
os.listdir(paths.getSubuserCommandsDir())).difference(nonCommands)) +
It's kind of easier to read.
Gremlin is a DSL that allows to navigate a graph. That's exactly what
happens here (and all the
time<> long
).wrapped_ <>in(tesseract<>).
I'd like to write the above as:
>>> subuser.commands = (subuser.path.directories +
I think it's possible in Ruby.
I'm quite interested by the subject. Elm language (see
and your graphical
IDE<>is very
interesting, do you know about Domain
Specific Modeling Forum <>? I started to put some
thinking grouped together. Also I started proto-py to gather code ideas,
but it's still offline. My plan is to mimick subuser to see, what happens.
Can be of interest Scala @ Systems @
Nice project by the way, with a better "see also" section that I could do :)
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