Newbie needing some help

Larry Martell larry.martell at
Fri Aug 8 17:43:55 EDT 2014

On Fri, Aug 8, 2014 at 3:07 PM, Matt Smith <smithmm at> wrote:
> I am trying to write a program that will loop through a text file and delete
> rows in a mysql database.
> It seemingly runs but I don't see anything getting deleted in the db.
> Is there anything apparent that I am missing?
> This is the code:
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import mysql.connector
> #
> f=open('/home/smithm/email-list.txt', 'r')
> for line in f:
>         #<do something with line>
>         # Open database connection
>         db = mysql.connector.connect(user="xx", password="xx",
> host="localhost", database="xx")
>         # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method
>         cursor = db.cursor()
>         # Prepare SQL query to DELETE required records
>         sql = "DELETE FROM tblc_users WHERE user_email=%s, % (line)"
>         try:
>           # Execute the SQL command
>           cursor.execute(sql)
>           # Commit your changes in the database
>           db.commit()
>         except:
>           # Rollback in case there is any error
>           db.rollback()
>         # disconnect from server
>         db.close()

Run it in the debugger, set a BP after you create the sql, print it
out, and cut and paste it into an interactive sql session and you'll
see what the issues are.

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