Call for speakers for the first PyCon Belarus
wxjmfauth at
wxjmfauth at
Wed Dec 10 09:36:29 EST 2014
Le mercredi 10 décembre 2014 12:53:59 UTC+1, Alina Dolgikh a écrit :
> Hi, everyone!
> I represent Belarusian Python community and professionally is the IT-events manager. Our community has regular monthly meet-ups for 70-100 persons and we are going to develop it further.
> We are planning to make the first Belarusian PyCon on the 31st of January and looking for speakers.
> We will be glad to meet at our event speakers, which are experienced in public talks
> (links for videos of public talks or for the other conferences web-pages are preferable) and can talk on
> - Python for web
> - science and big data
> - functional style Python
> - "unusuall" Python (mobile, embeded etc.)
> Organising team is ready to cover the costs for the road and accommodation.
> Thanks in advance and, please, send your responses to alina at
> Regards,
> Alina Dolgikh,
> IT-events manager,
> Minsk
Interesting case study.
>>> # Py32
>>> timeit.repeat("unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', s)", "import unicodedata;\
... s = 'AaBbCcĆćČčDdDZdzDŹdźDŽdžEeFfGgHhCHchIiJjKkLlŁłMmNnŃńOoPpRrSsŚśŠšTtUuŬŭVvYyZzŹźŽž'")
[2.855979167347641, 2.8459594398152603, 2.837531620568143]
>>> # Py33
>>> timeit.repeat("unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', s)", "import unicodedata;\
... s = 'AaBbCcĆćČčDdDZdzDŹdźDŽdžEeFfGgHhCHchIiJjKkLlŁłMmNnŃńOoPpRrSsŚśŠšTtUuŬŭVvYyZzŹźŽž'")
[3.8287981801361184, 3.8184830713038593, 3.8148624842512504]
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