Python Iterables struggling using map() built-in

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Wed Dec 10 23:17:40 EST 2014

On 12/10/2014 3:32 PM, Ian Kelly wrote:

> So Idle gets it right. At least for static methods of classes, which
> isn't very surprising. Does it complete a function attribute of a
> function?

 >>> def f(): pass

 >>> f.a='attr'
 >>> f.  <box with 'a'> as possible completion.

> Having used Komodo IDE for a number of years and been occasionally
> frustrated by its code completion, it would not surprise me in the least
> if it failed to pull attributes of functions into its completion database.

I do not think Idle has a static database.  But I have not looked at the 
completion code yet to see exactly how it works (and how it might be 

Terry Jan Reedy

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