Help with my 8-year old son's first program. I'm stuck
john pierce
no-reply at
Mon Jan 27 23:01:15 EST 2014
First, forget about the def a() statement. def is for defining a function and this is not a function. Second, research the difference between == (logical test) and = (assignment operator). Third, take a look at the length of "op" just after the readline(). You can add a line that says
right after the readline to see what's goingon. There's a new line character in there. Try using
op = op.strip()
before you do all the if statements. That will remove the trailing newline, and change the first test back to op == "d".
Hope this helps.
>PS: At the first statement, we've also tried
>op == "d":
>But that doesn't work either.
>On Saturday, January 25, 2014 10:02:15 AM UTC, justinp... at wrote:
>> My son is learning Python and I know nothing about computers.
>> He's written a simple calculator program that doesn't work. For the life of me, I can't see why.
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