context manager based alternative to Re: Proposal: === and !===

Roy Smith roy at
Thu Jul 10 21:17:28 EDT 2014

In article <mailman.11744.1405038048.18130.python-list at>,
 Cameron Simpson <cs at> wrote:

> Q: How many user support people does it take to change a light bulb?
> A: We have an exact copy of the light bulb here and it seems to be
>     working fine.  Can you tell me what kind of system you have?

So, what are we talking about here?  my_lightbulb == your_lightbulb, or 
my_lightbulb === your_lightbulb, or my_lightbulb is your_lightbulb?  Or 
just sha1(my_lightbulb) == sha1(your_lightbulb)?

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