Exploring Python for next desktop GUI Project

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Thu Jul 24 19:35:02 EDT 2014

On 7/24/2014 1:04 PM, Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick wrote:

> And it might be better to stay with Python 2, there are still
> things that don't work with Py3k that you might find crucial.

It is true that there are 3rd-party modules that do not work with 3.x, 
including a few that one might want to use is a new project.

It is also true that there are language features in 3.4 that do not work 
with 2.x, or 3.2- or 3.3, including some that one might want to use in a 
new project.  For instance, Unicode works much better in 3.3 than in any 
version before. That is *only* available in 3.3+.

And it is true that there are 'feature' still in 2.7 that do not work in 
3.x.  But these are mostly nuisances that we are better of without.

Terry Jan Reedy

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