Can you use self in __str__
Shiyao Ma
i at
Fri Nov 28 22:55:55 EST 2014
2014-11-29 11:36 GMT+08:00 Chris Angelico <rosuav at>:
> You can use id() on any object. You are guaranteed to get back an
> integer which is both stable and unique among all ids of objects that
> exist at the same time as the one you called it on. For as long as the
> object continues to exist, that number *will* stay the same. Sometimes
> that's all you need; for instance, imagine a simple mail server which
> produces logs like this:
> [142857] Beginning processing of message
> [142857] Parsing headers
> [314159] Beginning processing of message
> [314159] Parsing headers
> [142857] Storing in destination mailbox
> [314159] Connecting to destination server
> [142857] Finished processing of message
> [314159] Message accepted by destination
> [271871] Beginning processing of message
> [314159] Finished processing of message
> You can easily see, from the initial numbers, what log lines are
> associated with what messages. (Note that emails have their own IDs,
> which could in theory be used, but the id() of an internal dict can be
> used even before the email's ID has been read - as you see from the
> example, a log entry for "Parsing headers" has to be made prior to
> info from the headers being used.) It's not a problem if another
> 142857 comes up later on; there's a very clear begin and end to the
> message, and you're guaranteed that nothing can possibly be
> interspersed with a colliding ID.
> In other implementations of Python, these numbers might look less
> arbitrary (Jython, I believe, allocates them sequentially); but the
> code will work just as well on any compliant implementation of the
> language, because everything I've said above is a language guarantee,
> not a CPython implementation detail.
> ChrisA
Thanks. Informed.
The implementation dependent thing is "id(obj)" == virtual mem addr
(which caused my bad feeling).
Apparently have nothing to do with it here, though.
And 'id' is seemingly great to differentiate each obj.
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