I am out of trial and error again Lists
Joel Goldstick
joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Wed Oct 22 16:57:00 EDT 2014
On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Seymore4Head
<Seymore4Head at hotmail.invalid> wrote:
> def nametonumber(name):
> lst=[""]
> for x,y in enumerate (name):
> lst=lst.append(y)
> print (lst)
> return (lst)
> a=["1-800-getcharter"]
> print (nametonumber(a))#18004382427837
> The syntax for when to use a () and when to use [] still throws me a
> curve.
() is tuples which are immutable which means that the items can't be
changed. [] is list which means that each item can be changed.
Tuples are useful because they can be used as keys in dictionaries and
are guarantied not to change. Lists are useful because they can be
What you are doing confuses me. You don't use x, which is the enumerated value.
FIrst lst should be lst = [] . You don't need to set the first
element in the list to an empty string. You just want to establish
that you have an empty list called lst
Second, you don't need lst = lst.append(y) because you can just say
lst.append(y). This will append the y value to the end of the list.
As to converting letters to the corresponding numbers on a phone
keypad, you don't show you code here for that
> For now, I am trying to end up with a list that has each character in
> "a" as a single item.
> I get:
> None
> None
> --
> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
Joel Goldstick
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