I am out of trial and error again Lists
Seymore4Head at Hotmail.invalid
Fri Oct 24 14:20:37 EDT 2014
I meant to type:
if y in range(1,10) doesn't work.
On Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:15:13 -0400, Seymore4Head
<Seymore4Head at Hotmail.invalid> wrote:
>On Fri, 24 Oct 2014 11:52:15 -0600, Ian Kelly <ian.g.kelly at gmail.com>
>>On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 11:03 AM, Seymore4Head
>><Seymore4Head at hotmail.invalid> wrote:
>>> Actually I was a little frustrated when I added that line back in as
>>> the other lines all work.
>>> Using list(range(10)) Doesn't throw an error but it doesn't work.
>>> http://i.imgur.com/DTc5zoL.jpg
>>> The interpreter. I don't know how to use that either.
>>Try both of these in the interpreter, and observe the difference:
>>7 in range(10)
>>"7" in range(10)
>>Do you understand what the difference between 7 and "7" is?
>I do understand that. 7 is a number and "7" is a string.
>What my question was...and still is...is why
>Python 3 fails when I try using
>y=1 800 get charter
>y in range str(range(10))
>should work because y is a string and str(range(10)) should be
>"y" in str(1) fails.
>It doesn't give an error it's just not True when y is a number.
>These hints are just not working. I am too thick for hints. :)
>If you could use it in the code, I might understand.
>The other work arounds that were posted work.
>I have used them. str(range(10)) doesn't work.
>import string
>def nametonumber(name):
> lst=[]
> nx=[]
> digit=[]
> digit="".join(str(i) for i in range(10))
> for x in name:
> lst.append(x)
> for y in (lst):
> if y in list(range(1,10)):
> #if y in "1234567890":
> #if y.isdigit():
> #if y in digit:
> #if y in string.digits:
> nx.append(y)
> if y in " -()":
> nx.append(y)
> if y in "abc":
> nx.append("2")
> if y in "def":
> nx.append("3")
> if y in "ghi":
> nx.append("4")
> if y in "jkl":
> nx.append("5")
> if y in "mno":
> nx.append("6")
> if y in "pqrs":
> nx.append("7")
> if y in "tuv":
> nx.append("8")
> if y in "wxyz":
> nx.append("9")
> number="".join(e for e in nx)
> return number
>print (nametonumber(a))#1800 438 2427 837
>a="1-800-leo laporte"
>print (nametonumber(a))
>a="1 800 dialaho"
>print (nametonumber(a))
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