Can I download XML data from the web and save, in as CSV or TXT delimitation?

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at
Wed Aug 19 09:49:11 EDT 2015

> Well, yes, I was originally trying to do it it R, but I couldn't get it working, so I thought I'd try to do it in Python.  That was a sample R script.  Can I do essentially the same thing in Python?  Can I read the XML from the web?
> Parse it, or clean it, or whatever, and save it as a CSV or TXT?  Is that possible?
> Thanks.

Of course you can

1. read a file from a website using python urllib modules or requests
module (3rd party but simpler)
2. There are several xml parsers.  I haven't experienced them, so
google is your friend
3. python has csv reader and writer modules

Joel Goldstick

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