Python is DOOMED! Again!
Albert van der Horst
albert at
Sat Feb 7 19:45:20 EST 2015
In article <mailman.17951.1421906568.18130.python-list at>,
Ethan Furman <ethan at> wrote:
>On 01/21/2015 08:30 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
>> So what is this unspeakable, nightmarish, cryptic abomination going to look
>> like? Here's an example from PEP 484:
>> def greeting(name: str) -> str:
>> return 'Hello ' + name
>> I don't know about you, but I think anyone who cannot read that and intuit
>> that argument `name` is a string and the return result is also a string
>There is nothing inherently intuitive about that syntax. The : makes it
>look like a dictionary (but it isn't) and the
>-> looks like a pointer to something (but it isn't).
It is too bad `` -> '' as a token is now taken.
I wanted to propose to replace the ternary syntax
lambda .. : ..
by a regular operator
.. -> ..
then we could have
x -> x**2
instead of
lambda x : x**2
Moreover the value of a function would be a lambda
def square(x): x**2
square = x->x**2
mult = x,y ->
result = 0
for i in range(x):
result +=y
return result
doing away with the ternary operator def
def .. ( .. ) : ..
replacing it by two binary operators, one of them (=) being thoroughly familiar.
It is horrifying to see that def is now becoming a quaternary operator
def .. ( .. ) --> .. : ..
Also name:str is the wrong order.
I would propose to use :: to prevent confusion.
Then I would allow <type>:: in front of all objects everywhere
to trigger a warning if at that point the objects is not of the right type.
I think it is quite natural that float: sets the expectation
that a float is coming.
float:: x = get_some_crap_from_an obscure_windows_box( a, B, c,
a_lighter, some_list, REAL_ISB_MASK )
>> is probably going to have bigger troubles with Python than just type-hinting.
>Yup, true -- I do find writing meta-classes takes extra work. ;)
>[Attachment type=application/pgp-signature, name=signature.asc]
Economic growth -- being exponential -- ultimately falters.
albert at spe&ar& &=n
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