Results of the python 2.x and 3.x use survey, 2014 edition

Bruno Cauet brunocauet at
Thu Jan 29 12:49:16 EST 2015

Finally, here are the results:
Here is the auto-generated Google Forms recap:
(more elegant than my matplotlib graphs - I'd have no future as a

Overall people started writing more python 3: +15 points in "I ever
wrote python 3 code", +10 points in "I write more python 3 than 2".
Transition is still ongoing and I hope a tipping point will be soon be
Users definitely seem to want to switch to python 3, but dependencies
keep them with 2.7 (I weep for the few ones still on 2.5).

I also posted the results on HN
( and reddit
Have a nice day, and a year full of python 3!

Bruno Cauet

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