January 2015 Archives by thread
Starting: Thu Jan 1 04:10:39 EST 2015
Ending: Sat Jan 31 23:51:27 EST 2015
Messages: 1844
- Why For Loop Skips the Last element?
Jacob Kruger
- [ANN] EasyGUI_Qt version 0.9
wxjmfauth at gmail.com
- Logger not logging
Jason Friedman
- Moving 1 Picture in a Programm - How to?
lucasvfxdood at gmail.com
bv4bv4bv4 at gmail.com
- How do I remove/unlink wildcarded files
Anthony Papillion
- Drag and Drop Images in Python (NEED HELP!)
lucas mvm
- Own network protocol
- Python in 2015
wxjmfauth at gmail.com
- Command Line Inputs from Windows
Ken Stewart
- Looking for sample python script using Tkinter
accessnewbie at gmail.com
- PythonFOSDEM 2015 - Selected Talks
Stéphane Wirtel
- DjangoCon Europe 2015, in Cardiff, Wales
D.M. Procida
- Socket programming
pramod gowda
- pathlib type error
Georg Grafendorfer
- -- redacted --
- Python Tk Tix GUI documentation & builder overview and tips
abaskm at gmail.com
- surprise - byte in set
patrick vrijlandt
- Put float number in message.
John Culleton
- apostrophe not considered with tkinter's wordstart and wordend
- Enumerating loggers iin logging module
John Pote
- list comparison vs integer comparison, which is more efficient?
austin aigbe
- Help with finding tutors for Python, Linux, R, Perl, Octave, MATLAB and/or Cytoscape for yeast microarray analysis, next generation sequencing and constructing gene interaction networks
thomas hahn
- Forward of moderated message
python-ro-bounces at python.org
- Help with map python 2
- Python console rejects an object reference, having made an object with that reference as its name in previous line
Simon Evans
- Probem with fbconsole
Ole Andreas Gløersen
- Argparse defaults
Joseph L. Casale
- how to select all the monday form "20150101" till "20150620"?
length power
- which specified python module can monitor text information in Windows GUI
Chambers yin
- need some guidance on Python syntax smart editor for use with speech recognition
Eric S. Johansson
- Direct3D/DirectX interception ?
Skybuck Flying
- If you were starting a project with XML datasource using python
- problem with for and if
Dariusz Mysior
- toStringList in PyQt5
Suhail Mahmood
- Comparisons and sorting of a numeric class....
Andrew Robinson
- SQLObject 2.1.0
Oleg Broytman
- ANN: psutil 2.2.0 released
Giampaolo Rodola'
- String character encoding when converting data from one type/format to another
Jacob Kruger
- how to create a soap enveloppe with python suds for consume a bssv web service
brice DORA
- include "icudt53.dll, icuin53.dll, icuuc53.dll" ?
Timothy W. Grove
- pickle, modules, and ImportErrors
John Ladasky
- application console with window
- Happy new year with Dipy 0.8!
Eleftherios Garyfallidis
- Playing with threads
Ganesh Pal
- Announce: PyPrimes 0.2.1a
Steven D'Aprano
- PyGILState API and Py_Main
- Oddity with lambda and yield
Chris Angelico
- Hello World
Albert van der Horst
- where in Nan defined
- AssertionError (3.X only) when calling Py_Finalize with threads
Tom Kent
- Generate jpg files using line length (pixels) and orientation (degrees)
semeon.risom at gmail.com
- Can numpy do better than this?
Rustom Mody
- exporting c_variable to embedded python module
kenakahn at gmail.com
- PyDev 3.9.1 Released
Fabio Zadrozny
- Decimals and other numbers
Devin Jeanpierre
- what is Jython?
- Array of hash table
jyoti690saini at gmail.com
- py2c - an open source Python to C/C++ is looking for developers
sirak2010 at gmail.com
- PythonFOSDEM 2015 and Plush Snake
Stéphane Wirtel
- Why do the URLs of posts here change?
Steven D'Aprano
- hello please can you help me with the below problem am facing
mubarak idris
- ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.13.7
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- Non-unique dirs in sys.path
Gisle Vanem
- Begginer Question , what i need for web app and site
meiry242 at gmail.com
- Why does argparse return None instead of [] if an append action isn't used?
Adam Funk
- Help configuring visual studio to compile python extensions
stephen.boulet at gmail.com
- Track down SIGABRT
Israel Brewster
- PythonFOSDEM 2015 - Schedule Updated… We will start at 10:30 AM
Stéphane Wirtel
- cx_Oracle, callfunc and varray
- class-based class decorator
Albert-Jan Roskam
- Is anyone else unable to log into the bug tracker?
Steven D'Aprano
- OSError: [WinError 10022] An invalid argument was supplied in udp python file
contro opinion
- [RELEASE] ‘python-daemon’ version 2.0 released
Ben Finney
- Python : writing to a file
Ganesh Pal
- ftfy: fixes text for you
Mark Lawrence
- ANN: python-ldap 2.4.19
Michael Ströder
- PyWart: Poor Documentation Examples
Rick Johnson
- [RELEASE] ‘python-daemon’ version 2.0.1 released
Ben Finney
- Syntax error
Abdul Abdul
- Help running python tests on MIPS
- Few coding suggestions
Ganesh Pal
- Few Coding suggestions - resending
Ganesh Pal
- DICOM to jpg
Abdul Abdul
tavares at fe.up.pt
- ]beginer] what i need to code simple graphics?
- extracting numbers with decimal places from a string
Store Makhzan
- Muhammad (saws): A Role Model for a New Millennium
- MS-DOS Commands
Jenacee Owens
- List of "python -m" tools
Miki Tebeka
- annoying doctest problem
gordianknot1981 at gmail.com
- Reg: scrappring error
- importing os.path -- why does it work?
Steven D'Aprano
- unidecode
Jacob Kruger
- I must be missing something obvious in installing Python 3.4.2...
Andrew Koenig
- Python 3 regex?
Jason Bailey
- Python 3 regex woes (parsing ISC DHCPD config)
Jason Bailey
- Machine Learning Startup Hiring
Charles Weitzer
- Design and Build Software Engineer Opportunity
Charles Weitzer
- Namespace puzzle, list comprehension fails within class definition
John Ladasky
- Broken IF statement
joboppsgpp at gmail.com
- What does "pip install" do?
- [RELEASE] ‘python-daemon’ version 2.0.2 released
Ben Finney
- How can i use a dictionnary
brice DORA
- Python 2.7, on windows7 64 bit development machine, inconsistent issue on similar machines
Jacob Kruger
- Help understanding list operatoins inside functions in python 3
stephen.boulet at gmail.com
- what would be the regular expression for null byte present in a string
Shambhu Rajak
- ANN: Python Meeting Düsseldorf - 20.01.2014
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- how can I create a class and decode/encode as json?
robertchen117 at gmail.com
- Performance in exec environnements
Jean-Baptiste Braun
- ANN: Python Events Calendar - Please submit your 2015 events
M.-A. Lemburg
- Compiling multiple python scripts into an exe file
no nein
- UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\ua000' in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
Peng Yu
- [RELEASE] ‘python-daemon’ version 2.0.3 released
Ben Finney
- Threading in Python, Please check the script
Robert Clove
- Is anyone doing Python 3 bindings for the IUP GUI library?
Mark Summerfield
- "cannot set color attribute.." with Mayavi
sperelat at hanmail.net
- How to terminate the function that runs every n seconds
Ganesh Pal
- Calling a derived class's constructor from a parent method
- multiprocessing queue hangs up on the Amazon cloud
jgrant at smith.edu
- type versus __class__
Steven D'Aprano
- lambdak: multi-line lambda implementation in native Python
yawar.amin at gmail.com
- MySQL connections
Jacob Kruger
- Stripping in Python
Abdul Abdul
- Opening the file in writing mode
Abdul Abdul
- EuroPython 2015: Come join us from July 20-26 in Bilbao !
M.-A. Lemburg
- Best Replica Panerai Radiomir Watches Online
billwang821 at gmail.com
- EuroPython 2015: Your chance to sign up as a launch sponsor
M.-A. Lemburg
- How to "wow" someone new to Python
Chris Angelico
- recursive function: use a global or pass a parameter?
- Android Native Build Help: python build_ext
Cyd Haselton
- [ANN] Pylint 1.4.1 / Astroid 1.3.3 released
Claudiu Popa
- pyqtdeploy on windows
Hektor black
- EuroPython 2015: Landing in Bilbao
M.-A. Lemburg
- numpy.allclose()
Steven D'Aprano
- [Annonce] Une introduction à Python 3 - nouvelle version
Laurent Pointal
- Trying to parse matchup.io (lxml, SGMLParser, urlparse)
Jerry Rocteur
- Formatting string with accented characters for printing
Jerry Rocteur
- How to use Pycharm to display the stack and heap python?
Jo Barton
- Attribute error
Mahendra Prajapati
- multiprocessing.Queue & vim python interpreter
unknown3000 at gmail.com
- How to change the number into the same expression's string and vice versa?
contro opinion
- Storing dataset from Condtional FreqDist
- ANN: eGenix Talks & Videos: Advanced Database Programming
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- Hashed lookups for tabular data
Joseph L. Casale
- Trees
Zachary Gilmartin
- Student looking for a Scitki-Learn Numpy Tutor with a strong background in data science?
- Concerning Dictionaries and += in Python 2.x
Luke Tomaneng
- Random ALL CAPS posts on this group
Luke Tomaneng
- Bodybuilding Helpful Advice
- pickle and then object changes
James Smith
- How to run a python script with functions
faiz.lotfy at gmail.com
- python traceroute
Chandrakant Tiwari
- What killed Smalltalk could kill Python
Steven D'Aprano
- Check for running DHCP daemon?
Jason Bailey
- An improper change in httplib.py
Guohua Ouyang
- Python is DOOMED! Again!
Steven D'Aprano
- Socket ICMP V6 error
- python client call Java server by xmlrpc
fan.ding1 at kodak.com
- kivy secret of mana game
- Python Sanity Proposal: Type Hinting Solution
Rick Johnson
- [RELEASE] ‘python-daemon’ version 2.0.4 released
Ben Finney
- [OT] absolute vs. relative URI
Grant Edwards
- Case-insensitive sorting of strings (Python newbie)
John Sampson
- Loading a module from a subdirectory
- Alternative to multi-line lambdas: Assign-anywhere def statements
Chris Angelico
- __bases__ misleading error message
Mario Figueiredo
- OpenCv: different behavior of cv2.imread and cv2.imdecode
- ANN: Version 0.1.4 of sarge (a subprocess wrapper library) has been released.
Vinay Sajip
- pysftp connection not sending files, hanging on 'put'
Jules Stevenson
- Delegation in Python
Brian Gladman
- Hello World in Python
Christopher J. Pisz
- Python simple Code
Salem Alqahtani
- Benchmarking some modules - strange result
Dan Stromberg
- Object destruction delayed on interactive prompt
Mario Figueiredo
- Idiomatic backtracking in Python
Johannes Bauer
- Problem while reading files from hdfs using python
Shalini Ravishankar
- PythonFOSDEM 2015 - Last news
Stéphane Wirtel
- HTTP over Asynchronous AF_UNIX Socket in python
Norah Jones
- Fwd: Re: Comparisons and sorting of a numeric class....
Andrew Robinson
- Running a .py file iteratively at the terminal
varun7rs at gmail.com
- unicode question
Rehab Habeeb
- aging Products And skin care products
- ANN: JuliaBase -- LIMS for specimen-based research published as open source
Torsten Bronger
- Is there a more elegant way to spell this?
Neal Becker
- kivy: python on android
Rustom Mody
- An object is an instance (or not)?
Mario Figueiredo
- python on mobile mailing list
Fetchinson .
- parsing tree from excel sheet
- Beginner question - class definition error
David Aldrich
- multiprocessing module backport from 3 to 2.7 - spawn feature
Andres Riancho
- write file to a server
- Open file in default app and exit in Windows
stephen.boulet at gmail.com
- SUBMIT "ACCEPT" button - Python - beautifulsoap
peter.neumaier at gmail.com
- Python on armv7l router: C++ exceptions issue
Alex Potapenko
- ANN: unpyc3 - a python bytecode decompiler for Python3
n.poppelier at xs4all.nl
- why zip64_limit defined as 1<<31 -1?
- ANN: Python Meeting Düsseldorf - New Videos online
eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg
- Sort of Augmented Reality
- [OT] fortran lib which provide python like data type
- ANN: Wing IDE 5.1 released
- The Most Diabolical Python Antipattern
Mark Lawrence
- 3d printing slicer
3D artist
- Results of the python 2.x and 3.x use survey, 2014 edition
Bruno Cauet
- joke
- joke
sohcahtoa82 at gmail.com
- Installling ADODB on an offline computer
Alan Meyer
- testfixtures 4.1.2 Released!
Chris Withers
- about supervisor program doesn't show in web console
shinriyo at gmail.com
- EuroPython 2015: New Code of Conduct
M.-A. Lemburg
- How to show Tail -f in supervisor's web console.
shannonlab.saiyou at gmail.com
- Python tracker manual password reset
Ian Kelly
- how to parse sys.argv as dynamic parameters to another function?
Robert Chen
- Multiplexing 2 streams with asyncio
Paul Moore
- Create dictionary based of x items per key from two lists
rajanbond at gmail.com
- inet_http_server is only one username and passowrd in supervisor
shinriyo at gmail.com
- help() function screen output
Jacob Kruger
- A python coder needed
fatihbazman at gmail.com
- [OT]very high tech humour
Mark Lawrence
- cx_Freeze:Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding ImportError: No module named 'encodings'
Last message date:
Sat Jan 31 23:51:27 EST 2015
Archived on: Mon Oct 28 06:24:49 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).