Noob in Python. Problem with fairly simple test case
Rick Johnson
rantingrickjohnson at
Sat Jul 18 19:18:57 EDT 2015
On Friday, July 17, 2015 at 5:46:01 PM UTC-5, Terry Reedy wrote:
> But these relative numbers are, as near as I can tell,
> restricted to the english-speaking world, perhaps extended
> to the latin-1 based world. Anyone who wants unicode
> identifiers must use Python 3 (or a translated Python like
> ChinesePython). Anyone seriously working with Unicode
> will find 3.3+ more pleasant, if not required (especially
> on Windows).
I'll have to admit you make a good point here. Although the
argument is diminished by observing that Ruby is far more
popular in Asia than Python. Python seems to be mainly a
Scandinavian, European, and American toy. For the most part
anyway. There are always exceptions to any rule. I mean,
think about it: who besides Xah Lee has an Asian name here?
And it's been years since we've heard from him! O:-D
> On Amazon, the first hit for 'Japanese Python' is Dive
> into Python 3 (Japanese edition). As near as I can tell,
> there is no Japanese edition for the original Dive into
> Python (2). As I remember, half the Python books I saw in
> Japan *3 years ago* were for Python 3.
> Overall, I suspect that Python 3 penetration is greater in
> Asia.
I would agree with that assessment, simply because of the
Unicode factor. But i don't believe it's a "large
audience". And don't get me wrong, i'm not wishing for the
numbers to go one way or another. I just simply want to find
the truth.
> Rick, I only care about porting of public libraries.
> Leave your private code in Python 2. Continue writing new
> code in Python 2 if you wish. I only object to those who
> pressure others to not port to or writes in Python 3.
I don't want to pressure anyone in either direction. We, as
the greater python community, did not vote to break
backwards compatibility, it was dropped on us like an Acme
anvil. But what we _can_ choose, is the version that suits
our needs best. I have chosen to remain with 2.x. I
encourage others to decide for themselves. I don't think
pushing 3.x is any less evil than pushing 2.x -- unless the
programmer is a python neophyte. In that case, go with 3.x.
> If you want to help 2.7 become better, we need people test
> and backport patches to 2.7. Since 2.x bugs me as much as
> 3.x seems to bug you, I am considering not backporting
> until someone volunteers to help.
What do you need help with? Can you be more specific? Of
course, a few people on this list are under the impression
that i cannot write Python code unless Tkinter is imported
first. I guess they think Tkinter is some sort of "magic
module" that endows it's importer with mad skills (such as
those i posses). Or, it could be that they're unwilling to
give me any credit. Who knows? I never did participate in
office politics anyway. I'm always too busy getting things
> Now my question for you or anyone else: If the vast
> majority of Python programmers are focused on 2.7, why are
> volunteers to help fix 2.7 bugs so scarce? Does they all
> consider it perfect (or sufficient) as is? Should the core
> developers who do not personally use 2.7 stop backporting,
> because no one cares if they do?
My guess is that most have become disenfranchised. Perhaps
some have moved to other languages. Perhaps some are
surviving on old code annuities and don't need to work
anymore. The number of programmers in this world is very
small, and Python programmers represent a very small subset
of _that_ small subset. Which means, small numerical losses
can result in extreme damage to the "intellectual fortitude"
of a community like ours. The days when the Python community
could spare a few minds is over, -- as we have entered an era
of Pythonic depression. Perhaps one day we'll look back on
these tough times and tell fabulously exaggerated stories of
how rugged individualism, and a pinch of community spirit,
freed the world from the dark clutches of evil.
Let me know where i can be of assistance. It's always a
great pleasure to make utter fools of my rivals. >:-)
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