Using Python instead of Bash
Grant Edwards
invalid at invalid.invalid
Mon Jun 1 10:51:42 EDT 2015
On 2015-05-31, Cecil Westerhof <Cecil at> wrote:
> I help someone that has problems reading. For this I take photo's of
> text, use convert from ImageMagick to make a good contrast (original
> paper is grey) and use lpr to print it a little bigger.
> Normally I would implement this in Bash, but I thought it a good idea
> to implement it in Python.
Why? Is it difficult to do/maintain in Bash?
If you want to write Python, then you should write Python. You're
still writing Bash, so you should probably do it in Bash. If you just
want to invoke a set of external programs on a set of files, then Bash
is probably the right language to use: that's pretty much what Bash is
for: manipulating files by invoking other programs.
> This is my first try:
> import glob
> import subprocess
> treshold = 66
> count = 0
> for input in sorted(glob.glob('*.JPG')):
> count += 1
> output = '{0:02d}.png'.format(count)
> print('Going to convert {0} to {1}'.format(input, output))
> p = subprocess.Popen(['convert', '-threshold', '{0}%'.format(treshold), input, output])
> p.wait()
> print('Going to print {0}'.format(output))
> p = subprocess.Popen(['lpr', '-o', 'fit-to-page', '-o', 'media=A4', output])
> p.wait()
> There have to be some improvements: display before printing,
> possibility to change threshold, … But is this a good start, or
> should I do it differently?
If all the work is being done by making a series of calls to
subprocess, then you should think about using bash instead.
If you really do want to do this in Python, you can use a Python
binding to the ImageMagick libraries:
Or maybe you can use Pillow:
Grant Edwards grant.b.edwards Yow! Of course, you
at UNDERSTAND about the PLAIDS in the SPIN CYCLE --
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