Parser needed.

Skybuck Flying skybuck2000 at
Tue Jun 2 13:09:26 EDT 2015

"MRAB"  wrote in message 
news:mailman.71.1433263397.13271.python-list at

On 2015-06-02 05:45, Skybuck Flying wrote:
> Example for python:
> MyString = "Hello World"
> print MyString.rfind("World")
> if MyString.rfind("World"):
> print "yes"
> else:
> print "no"
> Pretty cool.

.rfind returns the index if found, -1 if not found.

"World".rfind("World") returns 0, which will be treated as false.

"foo".rfind("World") returns -1, which will be treated as true.

Yes I agree, that code is not very clean.

Hence I added:

print MyString.rfind("World")

Just to figure out if it indeed prints an index.

Index 0 might be of use too, so checking for true/false like I did above 
should not be done.

Consider it incorrect code.

However I didn't care at the time cause I was in a hurry... I knew it was 
dirty but this post correct that and warns people not to write code like I 
did... just in case ! ;)

And also to let you know I am full aware of the shady nature of this code ! 
;) =D

  Skybuck :)

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