Function to show time to execute another function
Cecil Westerhof
Cecil at
Mon Jun 8 02:32:22 EDT 2015
On Monday 8 Jun 2015 07:04 CEST, Johannes Bauer wrote:
> On 07.06.2015 22:35, Cecil Westerhof wrote:
>>> And you also posted your solution. I fail to find any question in
>>> your original posting at all.
>> That is because there was no question: I just wanted to share
>> something I thought that could be useful. If you would have taken
>> the trouble to read a little, you would have known that.
> You actually didn't write that. You wrote "I have a problem. Here is
> my solution. This is how it works." Okay, so what? If you would have
> taken the time to write "Just wanted to share this" your intention
> would have been obvious.
Again: if you just had read other posts you would have found that I
acknowledged that.
>>>> Sadly the quality of the answers on this list is going down.
>>> Maybe you should start asking questions that people are able to
>>> comprehend so that you get an answer that you like.
>> I do not want answer I like, but an answer that is useful.
> Sorry to break it to you, but this group does not revolve around
> you. An answer that might not be useful to you might be useful for
> someone else and it surely is useful to get a discussion.
Where do you find that I think that the group revolves around me?
Well it could be useful for someone to write something about how to
pay less taxes. But I do not think it should be posted in this group.
>>>> Here I get an alternative that does only half what I want and
>>>> when writing an alternative for ‘!find’ I am told I could use
>>>> ‘!find’ (which only works in ipython, not python and which also
>>>> not works with Windows).
>>> Protip: Ditch the shitty attitude. I don't know if you're a jerk
>>> or not but I know for sure that you sound like one. Makes it also
>>> much less likely to get the answers you'd like.
>> So if someone gives an answer that is completely useless it is a
>> shitty attitude when I point this out? Very interesting indeed.
> Precisely. Especially the tone you used is proof of your really
> shitty attitude.
Do you ever look into a mirror?
>> I do not think I have to expect something useful from you, it looks
>> like you prefer name calling. Luckily there are a lot of people
>> that have a different attitude.
> Indeed you can expect nothing more from me and I purposely omitted
> the way I do timing from this discussion. I do not aid people who
> fail to recognize their major social dysfunction. Not even when they
> are coding geniuses. Which, judging from your code snippet, you
> clearly aren't.
And again the name calling. You think you are very superior, don't
you? You have a problem with my tone, well I do not even get near you:
you clearly are the master. If I would like to become dysfunctional I
should treasure your postings.
Cecil Westerhof
Senior Software Engineer
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