Python Worst Practices

Marko Rauhamaa marko at
Sun Mar 1 23:40:51 EST 2015

Rustom Mody <rustompmody at>:

>> However, when I exhange software engineering ideas with you, I wish
>> both of us could stick to American English.
> [...]
> I would say it is wrong side of the ledger because the amount of
> culture' invested into a Brit is more than into someone who just
> poorly learned the language yesterday.
> In school my most memorable encounters were with Shakespeare, Blake,
> Wordsworth [I did not like Keats]. Until he died at 102 my gpa would
> recite Longfellow's "Lives of great men" almost as a daily prayer. If
> all that gets erased for some tasteless colourless (ok colorless)
> internationalese, its a bloody shame.

We are not talking about culture here but Python coding, conference
keynote addresses at the most "cultured" end of it.


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