UnboundLocalError in TKinter, SQLAlchemy script.

Terry Reedy tjreedy at udel.edu
Wed Mar 18 17:37:05 EDT 2015

On 3/18/2015 3:42 PM, Chris Kavanagh wrote:

> 2nd, you say you "don't want to play guessing games", yet complain
> about "300 lines of irrelevant code", lol. Which way is it? Do you
> want the code, or not? How do I know what's relevant or irrelevant
> when I'm clearly confused?

You comment out apparently irrelevant lines and see if you still have 
the same problem, and if you do, delete.  Repeat until you have a 
Minimal Complete Verifiable Example.

> On Stack, if you don't post the entire
> code, you are asked to do so. I would think it would be the same
> procedure here.

On StackOverflow, you are also asked to post a MCVE,
not 'the entire code' you every ran.

I ignored your post because you obviously posted way, way, too much 
code, along with no stack trace.  I do the same on SO.

Terry Jan Reedy

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