Creating a reliable sandboxed Python environment

Chris Angelico rosuav at
Fri May 29 18:49:00 EDT 2015

On Sat, May 30, 2015 at 4:33 AM, Paul Rubin < at nospam.invalid> wrote:
> Chris Angelico <rosuav at> writes:
>> Looks to me as if Lua doesn't have integers at all
> They fixed that in Lua 5.3:

That's 64-bit integers, not arbitrary-precision, but that's something
at least. You do still need to worry about what happens when your
numbers get too big; in Python, you simply don't. So it's still not
quite there in terms of functionality.

>> Likewise, eight-bit strings, not Unicode.
> Also fixed in 5.3 (basic utf-8 support added, per above).

This is definitely NOT what I'm talking about. From what I can see,
5.3 introduces a new library for working with strings of bytes as if
they were UTF-8. That's on par with PHP's Unicode support - basically,
nothing that isn't explicitly coded. It makes Unicode something that
you tack on with resignation, rather than something that's just an
automatic part of text handling. So, a long way from being there in

Do you see what I mean about functionality being sacrificed for
security? There is no way that this could be called fully functional
by comparison with Python.


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