November 2015 Archives by thread
Starting: Sun Nov 1 03:23:15 EST 2015
Ending: Mon Nov 30 23:54:24 EST 2015
Messages: 1707
- installer user interface glitch ?
t_ciorba at
- Python 2 vs Python 3 for teaching
Chris Angelico
- LU decomposition
gers antifx
- Puzzled
Peter Otten
- Multithreading python,two tkinter windows
Vindhyachal Takniki
Steven D'Aprano
- PyPy subprocess
- python doesn't install
Daniel Joffe
- testfixtures 4.4.0 Released!
Chris Withers
- Problem in implementing Romania Map using Paython Script
amnaee at
- Unbuffered stderr in Python 3
Steven D'Aprano
- same problem even after repair
Daniel Joffe
- GoPiGo script
input/ldompeling at
- help
Gabe Clark
- need help understanding a python program
Lee Bradley
- How to handle exceptions properly in a pythonic way?
zljubisic at
- Detection of a specific sound
Lorenzo Sutton
- Regular expressions
- Regular expressions
- Regular expressions
Tim Chase
- Regular expressions
Michael Torrie
- Regular expressions
Peter Otten
- Regular expressions
Tim Chase
- Regular expressions
Peter Otten
- Regular expressions
Jussi Piitulainen
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Peter Otten
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Tim Chase
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Peter Otten
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Ian Kelly
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Ian Kelly
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Tim Chase
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Grant Edwards
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Steven D'Aprano
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Oscar Benjamin
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Tim Chase
- Irregular last line in a text file, was Re: Regular expressions
Jussi Piitulainen
- Regular expressions
rurpy at
- Regular expressions
- Regular expressions
- Regular expressions
Grant Edwards
- Modern recommended exception handling practices?
Steven D'Aprano
- venv issues
Nicholas Cole
- Python PNG Viewer(Browser Based)
Arshpreet Singh
- python error
Ruud van Rooijen
- CherryPy cpstats and ws4py
Israel Brewster
- pybabel extraction mess
Nagy László Zsolt
- cvxopt install problem
Ek Esawi
- Creating PST files using Python
Anthony Papillion
- Bugfixing python 3.5 asyncio
Dmitry Panteleev
- Is it ok to install python binaries on a network drive?
- pycrypto
Christoph Zallmann
- teacher need help!
Storey, Geneva
- any practise site about python?
- raw_input and break
input/ldompeling at
- OT ish History Channel - The Invention of the Internet
- Unable to make http request to django server using twisted.web.client.AGENT
Akshat Tripathi
- Python Hidden Code
Mahan Marwat
- Snake Error 🐍
Mahan Marwat
- Olivier Adret
- llewellynBH at
Robin Becker
- Top Engineers
Marta Daglow
- Question about math.pi is mutable
wangq at
- RuntimeError: The size of the array returned by func does not match the size of y0
- Python dashboard tutorials/frameworks for interactive, D3.js graphs in IPython Notebooks
srinath.nathan at
- Script to extract text from PDF files
zbin1986 at
- Using python to convert PDF document to MSWord documents
zbin1986 at
- argparse: use of double dash to separate options and positional arguments
Amit Ramon
- Questions on Pickle and Shelve
Virgil Stokes
- Modernizing IDLE
Mark Roseman
- python PEP suggestion
Dan Strohl
- PIL module for 64bit Python 2.7
- Scipy odeint (LSODA) gives inaccurate results; same code fine in MATLAB ode15s/ode23s
- Version 1.1 of the tco module (tail-calls, recursion, call/cc)
Th. Baruchel
- how to copy PyObject * memory data to another memory address?
- Guide in Deskop Application Development in Python for newbies
leonardmesiera at
- time module
input/ldompeling at
- [ANN] MicroPython 1.5
Paul Sokolovsky
- Problems connecting to PostgreSQL
Cecil Westerhof
- Converting a string into a float that includes the negative
phamtony33 at
- [Ubuntu] PyQt5
Andrew Diamond
- Is there an archive of the gohlke python binaries on windows
Sayth Renshaw
- Python 3.5.0: python.exe is not a valid Windows 32 application
Tomáš Beňák
- No subject
Ainoa Gutiérrez Suárez
- using binary in python
kent nyberg
- Python version of Ruby devkit - Advice On library compilation
Sayth Renshaw
- Probelm with installing Python 3.5.0
Lim_Ee_Hai at
- Calulation in lim (1 + 1 /n) ^n when n -> infinite
Salvatore DI DIO
- help in pexpect multiprocessing
harirammanohar159 at
- Using tuple as parameter to a function
Cecil Westerhof
- Commit: postgres on cursor and sqlite on connection
Cecil Westerhof
- Getting response by email reply message
zljubisic at
- Extracting and summing student scores from a JSON file using Python 2.7.10
Bernie Lazlo
- Python.exe is not a valid Win32 application error message
M. Kamisato
- find which Python libraries are most influential in scientific research
Heather Piwowar
- IDLE quits unexpectedly when about to open or creat a new file
trindadegoncalves at
- corrupt download with urllib2
Ulli Horlacher
- bitwise operator, bits dont go into bitbucket..?
kent nyberg
- Keeping context-manager object alive through function calls
Pablo Lucena
- Using subprocess to capture a progress line
Tim Johnson
- Swig + Numpy.i with a const int16_t pointer
shriphanip at
- cross platform alternative for signal.SIGALRM?
Ulli Horlacher
- new to python, help please !!
Anas Belemlih
- Hi
Cameron Houliston
- Python Trouble
Kaif Mahmood
- More tkinter Madness
Tim Daneliuk
- How to get 'od' run?
- What is the meaning of Py_INCREF a static PyTypeObject?
Xiang Zhang
- Classic OOP in Python
- What is wrong in this example code?
- can ConfigParser deal with repeating section header?
John Zhao
- don't understand matrix-multiplication should be reversed in python?
- Why does 'as' not recognized?
- Is it useful for re.M in this example?
- Matplotlib error: Value Error: x and y must have same first dimension
- Plotting timeseries from a csv file using matplotlib
Karthik Sharma
- Running latest 32-bit Python on 64-bit system
Christian Ullrich
- Can Canopy Express (Free) allow install a new package (PyBayes) to it?
- numpy column_stack - why does this work?
- Trying out Kivy
Cecil Westerhof
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
kent nyberg
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Ian Kelly
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Ian Kelly
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Steven D'Aprano
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Ian Kelly
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Ian Kelly
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Steven D'Aprano
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Ian Kelly
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Marko Rauhamaa
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Ian Kelly
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Ian Kelly
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Marko Rauhamaa
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Marko Rauhamaa
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Steven D'Aprano
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Gregory Ewing
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Gregory Ewing
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Steven D'Aprano
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Dave Farrance
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Gregory Ewing
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Steven D'Aprano
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Steven D'Aprano
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Chris Angelico
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Laura Creighton
- Problems using struct pack/unpack in files, and reading them.
Laura Creighton
- What is '@' for
- Jython standalone at
- Where is decorator in this example code?
- Persist objects in a LIST
John Zhao
- What is wrong this wrapper (decorator)?
- A Program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100
Cai Gengyang
- What is the right way to import a package?
- pygtk beginner script not working
james at
- What meaning is of '#!python'?
- What function is 'u0, j = random(), 0'?
- Question about yield
- WinXP invalid python 3.5 installation
lokotraktor at
- uninstall 3.5
Adrien Viala
- Format numbers
- Why won't this run?
- What meaning is 'a[0:10:2]'?
- pexpect matching?
- import module pyttsx in windows IDLE failed
input/ldompeling at
- write data in Excel using python
syedmwaliullah at
- Immediate Requirement for IIB/APM Administrator at Orlando, FL.
recruiter.venkat36 at
- Getting started Image processing python
Vindhyachal Takniki
- Trouble installing Python 3.5.0
Robert Ziomkowski
- palindrome
- pybabel: default locale is None ???
Nagy László Zsolt
- JOSE modules
Michael Ströder
- HTTPSConnection from http.client?
Alex Naumov
- cPickle.load vs. on large binary files
andrea.gavana at
- Which type should be used when testing static structure appartenance
Nicolas Évrard
- Help on savefig parameters
- PEP 484 stubs with generic types
Ian Kelly
- Is there any reason to introduce this intermediate variable (sz)?
- Mapping between python packages and distro packages?
Stephane Wirtel
- how do I learn python ?
- Writing SOME class methods in C
Daniel Haude
- Launcher, and ftype Python.File
Glenn Linderman
- non-blocking getkey?
Ulli Horlacher
- EuroPython 2016: Dates and URL available
M.-A. Lemburg
- link a treeview to a list
durozoyp at
- How can I export data from a website and write the contents to a text file?
- handling of non-ASCII filenames?
Ulli Horlacher
- How to create a folder using IMAPLib?
Anthony Papillion
- What is a function parameter =[] for?
- pyinstaller and Python 3.5 on Windows?
Ulli Horlacher
- Public key encryption example.
Vincent Davis
- Could you explain why the following generates 4 same elements list?
- Question about 'print' in a loop
- PubMed / Entrez
c.buhtz at
- Fwd: The results of your email commands
Uma Ganesh
- Is there an meaning of '[[]]' in a list?
- Writing a Financial Services App in Python
Cai Gengyang
- EuroPython 2016: Kick-off
M.-A. Lemburg
- Why doesn't this method have access to its "self" argument?
Robert Latest
- Unsuccessful installation
Kaufman, Stan
- Late-binding of function defaults (was Re: What is a function parameter =[] for?)
Chris Angelico
- failing to run python on my pc
Daniel Kasuza
- Dabbling in web development
- Late-binding of function defaults (was Re: What is a function parameter =[] for?) (fwd)
Laura Creighton
- shorten "compress" long integer to short ascii.
Vincent Davis
- Generate a random list of numbers
- How To Create A Endles List Of Lists In Python...???
- Plotting a timeseris graph from pandas dataframe using matplotlib
Karthik Sharma
- download
- String format - resolve placeholders names
Ervin Hegedüs
- error help import random
Dylan Riley
- anyone tell me why my program will not run?
Dylan Riley
- Traceback error
Cai Gengyang
- Problem to read from array
vostrushka at
- *= operator
Cai Gengyang
- using re.split function
david burstein
- Comparators
Cai Gengyang
- [RELASE] Python 2.7.11 release candidate 1
Benjamin Peterson
- print("%.2f" % total)
Cai Gengyang
- ANN: yubistorm
Nagy László Zsolt
- How to remember last position and size (geometry) of PyQt application?
Santosh Kumar
- testfixtures 4.5.1 Released!
Chris Withers
- [RELEASED] Python 3.5.1rc1 is now available
Larry Hastings
- pip does not work anymore
Cecil Westerhof
- Creating a Dynamic Website Using Python
Cai Gengyang
- Let urllib3 use ssl3 instead of ssl2
Cecil Westerhof
- [argparse] optional parameter without --switch
c.buhtz at
- Bi-directional sub-process communication
Israel Brewster
- Designing DBI compliant SQL parameters for module
Israel Brewster
- 3.5 64b windows
Bernard Baillargeon
- tuples in conditional assignment
George Trojan
- Persistent api-ms-win-crt-runtime-i1-1-0.dll start up error
Tolga.Karabiyikoglu at
- Returning a result from 3 items in a list
Cai Gengyang
- Getting math scores (Dictionary inside dictionary)
Cai Gengyang
- Finding scores from a list
Cai Gengyang
- Multiprocessing PyPy-CPython
- Futex hang when running event loop on a separated thread
Marc Aymerich
- tuples in conditional assignment (Ben Finney)
George Trojan
- import logging raise NotImplementedError
c.buhtz at
- Reading files from .ar / .deb archives
Кисик Мурысик
- list slice and generators
Pavlos Parissis
- ANN: released psutil 3.3.0 with OpenBSD support
Giampaolo Rodola'
- if else python
Scott Montreuil
- Istalling python
- readline and TAB-completion?
Ulli Horlacher
- installing 3.5
- Help needed with compiling python
Cecil Westerhof
- Python on windows 10
francis funari
- Screen scraper to get all 'a title' elements
- Looking for ideas to improve library API
Chris Lalancette
- Py_NewInterpreter() - Fatal Error with ceval - orphan tstate
ramjee a.g.
- Question about output different with command dis.dis(code)
- fexit: file transfer of ANY size
Ulli Horlacher
- ANN: tornadostreamform
Nagy László Zsolt
- read 4D binary data
jorge.conrado at
- it's posible? raw audio encoder to vorbis
Heber Futuri
- reading from a txt file
vincentypedro at
- python response slow when running external DLL
jfong at
- Help with this program???
justin bloomer
- Fwd: convert php in to python
- Python 3 virtualenvs
D.M. Procida
- Find relative url in mixed text/html
Rob Hills
- An Educational Software Platform written in Python
Cai Gengyang
- Generate config file from template using Python search and replace.
Mr Zaug
- Does Python allow variables to be passed into function for dynamic screen scraping?
- offline
Pablo Lucena
- Caret key quits idle on pt keyboard
Osvaldo Dias dos Santos
- New JSON encoding method proposal for custom objects
cescus92 at
- Installing the gcalcli Python app under windows
rossmcm at
- I can't understand re.sub
Mr Zaug
- What use is this class?
- How can I count word frequency in a web site?
- variable vs. object
- Question about code writing '% i, callback'
- static variables
Ulli Horlacher
- Pylint 1.5.0 / Astroid 1.4.1 released
Claudiu Popa
- Is vars() the most useless Python built-in ever?
Steven D'Aprano
- Could you explain this rebinding (or some other action) on "nums = nums"?
Last message date:
Mon Nov 30 23:54:24 EST 2015
Archived on: Mon Oct 28 06:25:18 EDT 2019
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).