Extended functions in embedded code

Ervin Hegedüs airween at gmail.com
Tue Oct 13 07:36:19 EDT 2015

Hello there,

I'm interesting for the embeding of Python code - the examples and docs are
very helpfully. The main code, which embeds the Python interpreter, had
written in C. There are several functions, what I have to use in embedded
(Python) code, so I must to write them as Python extension.

That's no problem - I found a solution for that, I don't need to made (and
I don't _want_) a separated .so file (a new Python module): the extension
in same C source, where the embedded code exists, like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <Python.h>

/* python mymodule */
static PyObject*
mymodule_usleep(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)

static PyMethodDef mymodule_methods[] = {
    {"usleep",    mymodule_usleep,    METH_VARARGS,    mymodule_usleep_doc},
    {NULL, NULL}

    (void) Py_InitModule("mymodule", mymodule_methods);

/* python mymodule */

/* python embedding */
void foo() {

/* python embedding */

Then I have a Python file, which the code above calls:

import mymodule

def bar(d)
    return something

Just my "2 cents" question: is there any way to make the extension without
"import" keyword? Or is there a way to leave that?


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