Successfully send sms with python

Cameron Simpson cs at
Tue Sep 22 19:20:32 EDT 2015

On 22Sep2015 04:19, Timon Rhynix <timgeek951 at> wrote:
>Hello, I have used pyserial, sms0.4 and other libraries to send sms via huawei E1750 modem.
>The code runs well and no error is thrown but the text message is not sent/delivered to the number.
>One of my code is as follows:
>import serial
>import time
>class TextMessage:
>    def __init__(self, recipient="0123456789", message="TextMessage.content not set."):
>        self.recipient = recipient
>        self.content = message
>    def setRecipient(self, number):
>        self.recipient = number
>    def setContent(self, message):
>        self.content = message
>    def connectPhone(self):
>        conn = 'COM13'
>        self.ser = serial.Serial(conn, 460800, timeout=5)
>        time.sleep(1)
>    def sendMessage(self):
>        self.ser.write('ATZ\r')
>        time.sleep(1)
>        self.ser.write('AT+CMGF=1\r')
>        time.sleep(1)
>        self.ser.write('''AT+CMGS="''' + self.recipient + '''"\r''')
>        time.sleep(1)
>        self.ser.write(self.content + "\r")
>        time.sleep(1)
>        self.ser.write(chr(26))
>        time.sleep(1)
>        print "message sent!"
>    def disconnectPhone(self):
>        self.ser.close()
>When run it, the "message sent!" is printed but no message is sent/delivered.
>Please assist on what I am missing. Thank you

Two suggestions:

  as already suggested, you may need to send \r\n instead of just \r

  do you need to follow every .write() with a .flush()? if the Serial object is 
  a buffered stream that will be necessary

Cameron Simpson <cs at>

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