IdentationError; unexpected indent
Rob Gaddi
rgaddi at highlandtechnology.invalid
Wed Apr 13 12:02:50 EDT 2016
salma ammar wrote:
> Hi,
> I am about to run this code using python 2.7. But when executing this code,
> an error appears (see attachement): IdentationError; unexpected indent
> What should I rectify to correct this error please?
> *import sys*
> *sys.path.append('C:/Users/user/src/sumo-0.22.0/tools')*
> *import sumolib*
> *net =
> *radius = 0*
> *f = open("C:/fichierstations.txt", "r")*
> *contenu =*
> *print(contenu)*
> *for id, lat, lon in f:*
> * x, y = net.convertLonLat2XY(lon, lat)*
> * print(x, y)*
> * edges = net.getNeighboringEdges(x, y, radius)*
> * print (edges)*
> * while len(edges) == 0:*
> * radius = radius + 10*
> * edges = net.getNeighboringEdges(x, y, radius)*
> * distancesAndEdges = sorted([(dist, edge) for edge, dist in edges])*
> * print(distancesAndEdges)*
> * edgeofstation[id] = distancesAndEdges[0]*
> * print (edgeofstation[id])*
> *f.close()*
> Thank you in advance.
Offhand, I'd say you should fix the error in your indentation, probably
at the line number that the error specifies.
Python cares about indentation, and uses it the way other languages use
braces. Things that are at the same logical depth must be indented the
same way. That includes the difference between tabs and spaces, which
you should NEVER EVER EVER mix and match.
Rob Gaddi, Highland Technology --
Email address domain is currently out of order. See above to fix.
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