HTTPServer and SSL

Terry Reedy tjreedy at
Mon Apr 18 01:39:19 EDT 2016

On 4/17/2016 10:56 AM, Radek HolĂ˝ wrote:
> Hello,
> some people recommend following implementation of a simple HTTP server
> that supports SSL:
> asdfghjkki
> Handler = http.server.BaseHTTPRequestHandlerhttpd =
> http.server.HTTPServer(("", 4443), Handler)
> httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, server_side=True)
> httpd.serve_forever()
> I wonder whether this usage is *supported* or not. The documentation
> is not explicit about whether the httpd.socket attribute can be safely
> reassigned. Also there were some questions regarding a simple HTTPS
> server on this list already and none of the answerers mentioned this
> approach.
> Also there used to be a HTTPSServer in the test suite of Python 2.7 in
> 2014 that did a similar thing but in the "get_request" method but it
> isn't there anymore.
> So, is there a *supported* way of combining http.server.HTTPServer and ssl?
> Best regards

Terry Jan Reedy

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