Optimizing Memory Allocation in a Simple, but Long Function
Derek Klinge
schilke.60 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 23:58:02 EDT 2016
So I tried the recommended limit approach and got some interesting results.
## Write a method to approximate Euler's Number using Euler's Method
import math
class EulersNumber():
def __init__(self,n):
self.n = n
self.e = 2
def linearApproximation(self,x,h,d): # f(x+h)=f(x)+h*f'(x)
return x + h * d
def EulersMethod(self): # Repeat linear approximation over an even range
e = 1 # e**0 = 1
for step in xrange(self.n):
e = self.linearApproximation(e,1.0/self.n,e) # if f(x)= e**x, f'(x)=f(x)
self.e = e
return e
def LimitMethod(self):
self.e = (1 + 1.0/self.n) ** self.n
return self.e
def SeriesMethod(self):
self.e = sum([1.0/math.factorial(i) for i in range(self.n+1)])
return self.e
I found that the pattern of an additional digit of accuracy corresponding
to 10*n did not hold as strongly for that value (I can post data if
desired). I also got some results that seem to contradict the mathematical
definition. For example try EulersNumber(10**15).LimitMethod(), the
definition places this limit at e, and yet the (python) answer is >3.035.
Please let me know if I've fouled up the implementation somehow.
Also my reasoning for writing this up as a class was to be able to get the
value of n used to generate that value e. If there is some other way to do
that, I'd be happy to try it out.
On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 8:12 PM, Derek Klinge <schilke.60 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, I'm not trying to speed it up, just be able to handle a large
> number of n.
> (Thank you Chris for the suggestion to use xrange, I am on a Mac using the
> stock Python 2.7)
> I am looking at the number of iterations of linear approximation that are
> required to get a more accurate representation.
> My initial data suggest that to get 1 more digit of e (the difference
> between the calculated and expected value falls under 10**-n), I need a
> little more than 10 times the number of iterations of linear approximation.
> I actually intend to compare these to other methods, including limit
> definition that you provided, as well as the geometric series definition.
> I am trying to provide some real world data for my students to prove the
> point that although there are many ways to calculate a value, some are much
> more efficient than others.
> I tried your recommendation (Oscar) of trying a (1+1/n)**n approach, which
> gave me very similar values, but when I took the difference between your
> method and mine I consistently got differences of ~10**-15. Perhaps this is
> due the binary representation of the decimals?
> Also, it seems to me if the goal is to use the smallest value of n to get
> a particular level of accuracy, changing your guess of N by doubling seems
> to have a high chance of overshoot. I found that I was able to predict
> relatively accurately a value of N for achieving a desired accuracy. By
> this I mean, that I found that if I wanted my to be accurate to one
> additional decimal place I had to multiply my value of N by approximately
> 10 (I found that the new N required was always < 10N +10).
> Derek
> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 4:45 PM, Derek Klinge <schilke.60 at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Actually, I'm not trying to speed it up, just be able to handle a large
>> number of n.
>> (Thank you Chris for the suggestion to use xrange, I am on a Mac using
>> the stock Python 2.7)
>> I am looking at the number of iterations of linear approximation that are
>> required to get a more accurate representation.
>> My initial data suggest that to get 1 more digit of e (the difference
>> between the calculated and expected value falls under 10**-n), I need a
>> little more than 10 times the number of iterations of linear approximation.
>> I actually intend to compare these to other methods, including limit
>> definition that you provided, as well as the geometric series definition.
>> I am trying to provide some real world data for my students to prove the
>> point that although there are many ways to calculate a value, some are much
>> more efficient than others.
>> Derek
>> On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 2:55 PM, Oscar Benjamin <
>> oscar.j.benjamin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 24 April 2016 at 19:21, Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 4:03 AM, Derek Klinge <schilke.60 at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> >> Ok, from the gmail web client:
>>> >
>>> > Bouncing this back to the list, and removing quote markers for other
>>> > people's copy/paste convenience.
>>> >
>>> > ## Write a method to approximate Euler's Number using Euler's Method
>>> > import math
>>> >
>>> > class EulersNumber():
>>> > def __init__(self,n):
>>> > self.eulerSteps = n
>>> > self.e = self.EulersMethod(self.eulerSteps)
>>> > def linearApproximation(self,x,h,d): # f(x+h)=f(x)+h*f'(x)
>>> > return x + h * d
>>> > def EulersMethod(self, numberOfSteps): # Repeate linear
>>> > approximation over an even range
>>> > e = 1 #
>>> e**0 = 1
>>> > for step in range(numberOfSteps):
>>> > e = self.linearApproximation(e,1.0/numberOfSteps,e) # if
>>> > f(x)= e**x, f'(x)=f(x)
>>> > return e
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > def EulerStepWithGuess(accuracy,guessForN):
>>> > n = guessForN
>>> > e = EulersNumber(n)
>>> > while abs(e.e - math.e) > abs(accuracy):
>>> > n +=1
>>> > e = EulersNumber(n)
>>> > print('n={} \te= {} \tdelta(e)={}'.format(n,e.e,abs(e.e -
>>> math.e)))
>>> > return e
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > def EulersNumberToAccuracy(PowerOfTen):
>>> > x = 1
>>> > theGuess = 1
>>> > thisE = EulersNumber(1)
>>> > while x <= abs(PowerOfTen):
>>> > thisE = EulerStepWithGuess(10**(-1*x),theGuess)
>>> > theGuess = thisE.eulerSteps * 10
>>> > x += 1
>>> > return thisE
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >> To see an example of my problem try something like
>>> EulersNumberToAccuracy(-10)
>>> Now that I can finally see your code I can see what the problem is. So
>>> essentially you want to calculate Euler's number in the following way:
>>> e = exp(1) and exp(t) is the solution of the initial value problem
>>> with ordinary differential equation dx/dt = x and initial condition
>>> x(0)=1.
>>> So you're using Euler's method to numerically solve the ODE from t=0
>>> to t=1. Which gives you an estimate for x(1) = exp(1) = e.
>>> Euler's method solves this by going in steps from t=0 to t=1 with some
>>> step size e.g. dt = 0.1. You get a sequence of values x[n] where
>>> x[0] = x(0) = 1 # initial condition
>>> x[1] = x[0] + dt*f(x[0]) = x[0] + dt*x[0]
>>> x[2] = x[1] + dt*x[1] # etc.
>>> In order to get to t=1 in N steps you set dt = 1/N. So simplifying
>>> your code (all the classes and functions are just confusing the
>>> situation here):
>>> N = 1000
>>> dt = 1.0 / N
>>> x = 1
>>> for n in range(N):
>>> x = x + dt*x
>>> print(x)
>>> When I run that I get:
>>> 2.71692393224
>>> Okay that's great but actually you want to be able to set the accuracy
>>> required and then steadily increase N until it's big enough to achieve
>>> the expected accuracy so you do this:
>>> import math
>>> error = 1
>>> accuracy = 1e-2
>>> N = 1
>>> while error > accuracy:
>>> dt = 1.0 / N
>>> x = 1
>>> for n in range(N):
>>> x = x + dt*x
>>> error = abs(math.e - x)
>>> N += 1
>>> print(x)
>>> But what happens here? You have a loop in a loop. The inner loop takes
>>> n over N values. The outer loop takes N from 1 up to Nmin where Nmin
>>> is the smallest value of N such that we achieve the desired accuracy.
>>> This is a classic case of a quadratic performance algorithm. As you
>>> make the accuracy smaller you're implicitly increasing Nmin. However
>>> the algorithmic performance is quadratic in Nmin i.e. O(Nmin**2). The
>>> problem is the nested loops. If you have an outer loop that increases
>>> the length of an inner loop by 1 at each step then you have a
>>> quadratic algorithm akin to:
>>> # This loop is O(M**2)
>>> for n in range(N):
>>> for N in range(M):
>>> # do stuff
>>> To see that it is quadratic see:
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangular_number
>>> The simplest fix here is to replace N+=1 with N*=2. Instead of
>>> increasing the number of steps by one if the accuracy is not small
>>> enough then you should double the number of steps. That will give you
>>> an O(Nmin) algorithm.
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1/2_%2B_1/4_%2B_1/8_%2B_1/16_%2B_%E2%8B%AF
>>> A better method is to do a bit of algebra before putting down the code:
>>> x[1] = x[0] + h*x[0] = x[0]*(1+h) = x[0]*(1+1/N) = (1+1/N)
>>> x[2] = x[1]*(1+1/N) = (1+1/N)**2
>>> ...
>>> x[n] = (1 + 1/n)**n
>>> So doing the loop for Euler's method is equivalent to just writing:
>>> x = (1 + 1.0/N)**N
>>> This considered as a sequence in N is well known as a sequence that
>>> converges to e. In fact this is how the number e was first discovered:
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E_%28mathematical_constant%29#Compound_interest
>>> Python can compute this much quicker than your previous version:
>>> N = 1
>>> for _ in range(40):
>>> N *= 2
>>> print((1 + 1.0/N) ** N)
>>> Which runs instantly and gives:
>>> 2.25
>>> 2.44140625
>>> 2.56578451395
>>> 2.63792849737
>>> 2.67699012938
>>> 2.69734495257
>>> 2.70773901969
>>> 2.71299162425
>>> 2.71563200017
>>> 2.71695572947
>>> 2.71761848234
>>> 2.71795008119
>>> 2.71811593627
>>> 2.71819887772
>>> 2.71824035193
>>> 2.7182610899
>>> 2.71827145911
>>> 2.71827664377
>>> 2.71827923611
>>> 2.71828053228
>>> 2.71828118037
>>> 2.71828150441
>>> 2.71828166644
>>> 2.71828174745
>>> 2.71828178795
>>> 2.71828180821
>>> 2.71828181833
>>> 2.7182818234
>>> 2.71828182593
>>> 2.71828182719
>>> 2.71828182783
>>> 2.71828182814
>>> 2.7182818283
>>> 2.71828182838
>>> 2.71828182842
>>> 2.71828182844
>>> 2.71828182845
>>> 2.71828182845
>>> 2.71828182846
>>> 2.71828182846
>>> So your method is computing the above numbers but in a slower way that
>>> also has more potential for rounding error. The error here is 1e-13
>>> for the last numbers in this sequence. But N=2**40 so your Euler
>>> method would need approximately 10**12 iterations in your inner loop
>>> to get the same result. That's going to be slow even if you don't use
>>> a quadratic algorithm.
>>> --
>>> Oscar
>>> --
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