Python(x,y) 64 bit

Stephen Hansen me+python at
Wed Apr 27 19:48:22 EDT 2016

On Wed, Apr 27, 2016, at 04:25 PM, Pierre wrote:
> I did check and it looks like the Python(x,y) 64 distribution I
> downloaded uses a 32 bit Python.
> The question is if there is ANY Python(x,y) 64 distribution that uses the
> 64 bit python version.
> I looked it up online and could not find anything related to this issue

I don't know anything about Python(x,y), but from their website it looks
like it doesn't offer 64-bit python. 

Note, Python(x,y) is not affiliated with Python itself.

That said, perhaps you should check out which is the Anaconda scientific
distribution, which I know does offer 64-bit Python support.

Stephen Hansen
  m e @ i x o k a i . i o

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