python 2.7.12 on Linux behaving differently than on Windows

Paul Moore p.f.moore at
Wed Dec 7 10:19:05 EST 2016

On Wednesday, 7 December 2016 11:55:01 UTC, BartC  wrote:
> With automatic expansion, then EVERY program can become dangerous. Can 
> no one else see this?

Please start an elevated command prompt on your PC, and type the command

    rmdir /s /q C:\WINDOWS

There are no special characters here, so no possibility of "automatic expansion", so this is bound to be completely safe[1].

Can you not see that danger is unrelated to the existence of globbing? Danger is a result of people not knowing what the commands they type do.


[1] To anyone following along who isn't familiar with the command line, DON'T TRY THIS - IT WILL WRECK YOUR PC!

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