Get min and max dates
Peter Heitzer
peter.heitzer at
Thu Dec 8 04:23:49 EST 2016
DFS <nospam at> wrote:
>dts= ['10-Mar-1998',
> '20-Aug-1997',
> '06-Sep-2009',
> '23-Jan-2010',
> '12-Feb-2010',
> '05-Nov-2010',
> '03-Sep-2009',
> '07-Nov-2014',
> '08-Mar-2013']
>Of course, the naive:
>min(dates) = '03-Sep-2009'
>max(dates) = '23-Jan-2010'
>is wrong.
>Not wanting to use any date parsing libraries, I came up with:
> ('Aug','08'),('Jul','07'),('Jun','06'),('May','05'),
> ('Apr','04'),('Mar','03'),('Feb','02'),('Jan','01')]
>#create new list with properly sortable date (YYYYMMDD)
>dts2 = []
>for d in dts:
> dts2.append((d[-4:]+dict(m)[d[3:6]]+d[:2],d))
>print 'min: ' + min(dts2)[1]
>print 'max: ' + max(dts2)[1]
>min: 20-Aug-1997
>max: 07-Nov-2014
>which is correct, but I sense a more pythonic way, or a one-liner list
>comprehension, is in there somewhere.
I'd use strptime from the time module.
Then you could write
min and max return a struct_time type that can easily converted to
the original date format
Dipl.-Inform(FH) Peter Heitzer, peter.heitzer at
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