python 2.7.12 on Linux behaving differently than on Windows
Nathan Ernst
nathan.ernst at
Thu Dec 8 20:43:41 EST 2016
With a case-sensitive file system, how do you search only for 'harry', not
knowing what combinations of upper and lower case have been used? (It's a
good thing Google search isn't case sensitive!)
On Linux, I'd do "find . -iname harry". A lot, but not all, of the tools
usually have options to ignore case. I don't know how this works with
unicode, as I don't normally have to deal with non-ASCII, either. Probably
the only time I see unicode is when I see files with symbols for currencies
instead of the ISO-3 currency code (I work in finance) and occasionally in
company names.
On Thu, Dec 8, 2016 at 7:34 PM, BartC <bc at> wrote:
> On 09/12/2016 00:55, Chris Angelico wrote:
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2016 at 10:19 AM, BartC <bc at> wrote:
> So it it perfectly possible to have case conversion defined for English,
>>> while other alphabets can do what they like.
>> Aaaaand there we have it. Not only do you assume that English is the
>> only thing that matters, you're happy to give the finger to everyone
>> else on the planet.
> I haven't given the finger to anybody. I'm not an expert on all these
> other languages, but I don't want to tell them what to do either. /They/
> decide what meaning upper/lower has, if any.
> Or maybe we can just do away with it altogether. (What are Python's
> .lower/.upper used for, after all? With any such functions, you are
> guaranteed to find a Unicode sequence which is going to give trouble. So
> take them out so as not to offend anyone!)
> It does seem however as though users of other languages are telling /me/
> how I should deal with English, which is what I spend nearly 100% of my
> life dealing with (those language lessons not having worked out...).
>> It is a little ridiculous however to have over two thousand distinct files
>>> all with the lower-case normalised name of "harry_potter".
>> It's also ridiculous to have hundreds of files with unique two-letter
>> names, but I'm sure someone has done it. The file system shouldn't
>> stop you
> With a case-sensitive file system, how do you search only for 'harry', not
> knowing what combinations of upper and lower case have been used? (It's a
> good thing Google search isn't case sensitive!)
> What were we talking about again? Oh yes, belittling me because I work with
>>> Windows!
>> Or because you don't understand anything outside of what you have
>> worked with, and assume that anything you don't understand must be
>> inferior. It's not a problem to not know everything, but you
>> repeatedly assert that other ways of doing things are "wrong", without
>> acknowledging that these ways have worked for forty years and are
>> strongly *preferred* by myriad people around the world. I grew up on
>> OS/2, using codepage 437 and case insensitive file systems, and there
>> was no way for me to adequately work with other Latin-script
>> languages,
> I developed applications that needed to work in French, German and Dutch,
> apart from English. That might have been long enough ago that I may have
> had to provide some of the fonts (both bitmap and vector), as well as
> implement suitable keyboard layouts used with digitising tablets. /And/
> provide support in the scripting languages that went with them.
> Not particularly demanding in terms of special or quirky characters (or
> word-order issues when constructing messages for translation) but it's not
> quite the same as my assuming everything was 7-bit ASCII and in English.
> much less other European languages (Russian, Greek), and
>> certainly I had no way of working with non-alphabetic languages
>> (Chinese, Japanese). Nor right-to-left languages (Hebrew, Arabic).
> Did you really need to work with all those languages, or is this a generic
> 'I'.
> --
> Bartc
> --
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